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2.1.2 Register USBy
At this point, after pressing the REGISTER button (to enable the reception of the current lack /
restore notifications) you will see the following interface
Use the fields as indicated and accept the contractual conditions and the processing of
personal data
At this point our Operations Center will send an email to the address you just registered
informing you of the activation of your USBy and also reporting its ID.
TEST : To verify the correct operation of USBy, disconnect the power supply to USBy and after
about 5 minutes you should receive an email informing you of the power failure. Once you
have powered up the USBy again, you should receive the power restoration notice after about
1 minute.
NOTE: If the power outage lasts less than 5 minutes, you will receive a single "Short Outage"
alert when power is restored.
+39 06 94804820