Disconnect the hydraulic hoses
Never use pliers or similar tools to disconnect the hydraulic couplers.
Hose with CORE™ couplers
See Fig. 5.
Disconnect the dust caps from each other.
Disconnect the couplers by turning the external ring on the female coupler and then sliding it in the
direction of the arrows. The male coupler will slip out.
Remove dirt and oil from the couplers and dust caps.
Replace the dust caps on the female and male couplers.
Relief the pressure in unconnected hoses and tools
Temperature differences can cause overpressure in unconnected hoses and tools. This overpressure
can make it impossible to connect the parts. You can use the pressure relief tool to remove this
overpressure. This accessory is available for all Holmatro hose systems and is supplied by default with
every pump.
We recommend you keep more than one of these tools on hand.
Release the pressure in unconnected hoses and tools (CORE™ system)
This accessory is available for the CORE™ system and is supplied with every pump as a standard.
We recommend to keep more than one of these tools at hand.
See Fig. 6.
Hook the pressure relief tool over the male coupler (1).
Turn the knob clockwise (2) to release the pressure. Some oil will be released.
Turn the knob counterclockwise (3).
Remove the pressure relief tool from the coupler (4).
Operate the deadman's handle
The deadman's handle is used to determine the movement of the plunger(s). In the neutral position no
pressure is built up and the oil flows back to the pump without pressure. If the deadman's handle is
released, it returns automatically to the neutral position and stops the movement of the plunger(s).
Hold the deadman's handle in this position to open the tool/blades. Pressure is built
up in the tool. Return oil from the tool flows back to the pump without pressure.
PW 5624 (ST)