Always check that the brakes are working
before using the rollator.
Make sure that the folding mechanism is
locked in place after unfolding the rollator.
Always use the parking brake when
stopping or parking.
Ensure that the rollator has been adjusted
to the correct height to avoid incorrect
loadings and falls. Do not push the rollator
a long way in front of your body.
Be aware of the possibility of trapping
injuries; avoid putting your fingers between
the rollator's moving parts. Pay particular
attention when folding and unfolding the
If the rollator is subject to direct sunlight /
cold temperature for a long period of time,
then surfaces of the rollator may become
hot (>41°C) / very cold. Be careful when
touching the rollator in these conditions as
skin burns or freeze can occur. People with
Hypoesthesia should be extra careful.
Users must move among pedestrians and
not on trafficked roadways. Use reflectors
when using the rollator outdoors.
Do not use the rollator for any purpose
other than that it was intended for. It must
not be used to transport people or heavy
Be careful when there are children in the
vicinity. Do not let children play with the
The maximum user weight for the rollator
150 kg Gemino 60
150 kg Gemino 60 M
The maximum weight to be held in the
basket is 10 kg.
You should regularly inspect the rollator to
make sure that all screws, bolts and other
fastenings are secure.
Avoid making modifications or conversions
to the rollator that could affect its safety,
which is designed into the rollator's
Do not use the rollator if it is damaged or
has any malfunction. Contact your dealer
for repair.
Do not use any accessories that is not
approved by Sunrise Medical.
Maintenance described in this section can be
carried out by the user. Other maintenance
work should be carried out by qualified
personnel at the supplier in your municipality
or at the technical aids centre. For information
about repairs and servicing, please contact
the technical aids centre in your county.
Washing the frame
The frame should be washed regularly with
warm soapy water. If the frame is very dirty,
a degreasing agent may be used. The frame
may be washed with a high-pressure hose. If
you use this method, avoid directly spraying
the ball bearings. Dry the rollator thoroughly
after washing it or after it has been used
in rainy conditions. If a degreasing agent
is used, moving parts should be greased
Cleaning the brakes
The basket can be removed and washed
separately. Machine wash 60°, hand wash 40°
or disinfection.
To disinfect; use approved chemical
disinfectant. Do not use heat disinfection.
Conditions that could damage the
The rollator should not be used at
temperatures below -35 °C or above 60
°C. No specific requirements are made in
connection with humidity or air pressure.
No further requirements are made regarding
storage conditions.
Screws and nuts
Screws and nuts can become loose over
time. Therefore, remember to check and if
necessary retighten all screws and nuts on a
regular basis. A thread-locking product, such
as Loctite Blue No. 243, may be used.
If self-locking nuts have been removed they
lose some of their locking ability and should
be replaced.
Locking mechanism
If the locking mechanism for folding/unfolding
becomes stiff after a period of time, we
recommend lubricating the surfaces with
Disinfection should only be carried out by
qualified personnel. The rollator can be
disinfected using a disinfectant containing
70–80 per cent ethanol. Do not use
disinfectants that contain bleach or phenols.
MB4300 Gemino 60
Hygiene measures when being
Prior to the wheelchair being re-used, it must
be carefully prepared. All surfaces which
come into contact with the user must be
treated with a disinfection spray.
To do this, you must use a disinfectant as
authorised/recommended in your country, for
rapid alcohol-based disinfection for medical
products and medical devices, which must be
disinfected quickly.
Please be aware of the manufacturer's
instructions for the disinfectant you are using.
In general, a complete disinfection cannot
be guaranteed on seams. We therefore
recommend that you dispose of seat
and back slings to avoid micro-bacterial
contamination with active agents according
to your local infection protection law.
Regular inspection
• Check that the brakes function correctly.
Adjust if necessary.
• Check that the wheels are in good
condition and that they have not been
• Ensure that the rollator is clean and that all
moving parts function correctly.
• Check and if necessary adjust all screwed
Apart from small repairs to paintwork, the
replacement of wheels and the adjustment
of the brakes, all repairs must be undertaken
by qualified personnel at the supplier in your
municipality or at the technical aids centre.
For information about repairs and servicing,
contact the technical aids centre in your
Store the rollator in a standing position.
The rollator can be kept outdoors.
Fold the rollator before transport. It should be
lifted and carried using the lifting handles.
Never lift the rollator by the brake cables or
the seat strap.