mode, NATURAL mode , SLEEP mode, Child mode.
speed(5s)→high speed(5s)→medium speed(5s), it works as per this
- SLEEP Mode
high speed at 30 mins, then transfer to medium speed at 30 mins and
transfer to low speed until fan stop working. 2)If you set the mode at
medium speed, fan will work at medium speed at 30 mins, then transfer to
low speed until fan stop working. 3)If you set the mode at low speed, fan
will work at low speed until fan stop working. The LED Display will turn off if
you don't control the fan in 30 seconds, touch any button to turn on the
- Child Mode
function will start. And it will work at high speed at 15 minutes, transfer to
medium speed at 15 minutes, then transfer to low speed until it take off.
You can take off oscillation function by manual. The LED Display will turn
off if you don't control the fan in 30 seconds, touch any button to turn on the
: The fan is equipped with a timer that allows you to set it's
length of operation from 1 hour to 12 hours. The LED Display will turn off if
you don't control the fan in 30 seconds, touch any button to turn on the
6. OSC
: Pressing the 'OSC' button will start and stop the oscillation
: Pressing the 'MODE' button will set the FAN into NORMAL
: Fan will start work at any speed you set up.
:Fan will start work at low speed(5s)→medium
: 1) If you set the mode at high speed, fan will work at
: Fan will auto. Set up timer at 3 hours, oscillation