Administrators can install printers remotely by using the automatic detect feature, which locates and
installs printers on the local subnet to the local print server. Administrators can log on to a local server
at a branch location by using Remote Desktop and then easily install printers remotely.
Microsoft Services for Network File System
Microsoft Services for Network File System (NFS) is an operating-system component that provides a
file-sharing solution for enterprises with a mixed Windows and UNIX environment. Microsoft Services
for NFS allows users of UNIX-based computers to store and access files on your operating system using
the Network File System (NFS) protocol. All of your UNIX clients can access the resources using the
NFS protocol with no changes required.
Single Instance Storage
Single Instance Storage (SIS) recovers disk space by reducing the amount of redundant data stored
on a volume. To recover the disk space, SIS performs the following procedures:
Identifies identical files
Stores one copy of the file in the SIS common store
Replaces the files with pointers to the file in the SIS common store.
For example, user 1 and user 2 receive the same e-mail with an attachment. Both users save the attachment
to their home folder. SIS detects the two identical files on the volume, moves one of the copies into the
SIS common store, and then replaces both files with a pointer to the file in the SIS common store.
Some time later, user 1 makes a change to the file. SIS immediately detects that an update is pending for
the file, removes the pointer in the user's home folder, and replaces the pointer with a copy of the file in
the SIS common store. Then, the updates are applied to a fresh copy of the original file. This process is
completely transparent to the application.
The user 2 file remains in the SIS common store with a pointer in the user's home folder, even if there is
only one pointer to the file. When user 2 updates the file (assuming there are no other pointers), the
pointer is deleted and replaced with a copy of the original file. The file in the SIS common store is deleted.
SIS works in the background and does not require user intervention. The administrator can enable SIS on a
per volume basis. For best results, the administrator should use a backup application that supports SIS.
Operating System Features