●Speed change
To change the speed, first switch off the tool and
then slide the speed change lever to the "2" side for
high speed or "1" side for low speed. Be sure that
the speed change lever is set to the correct position
before operation. Use the right speed for your job.
1.Always set the speed change lever fully to the
correct position. If you operate the tool with the speed
change lever positioned halfway between the "1" side
and "2" side, the tool may be damaged.
2.Do not use the speed change lever while the tool is
running. The tool may be damaged.
3.If frequent protection actions of fender occur when
using the tool at the high speed, the motor will stop
running, position the change lever to the "1" side for
continuous operation.
4.If speed change lever cannot be switched due to
the crash of the gear tooth, softly press the switch
trigger to run the motor and then change the speed.
●Work Light
The white LED work light will be lit after pulling the
switch trigger for illumination of the work area under
unfavorable lighting conditions.
When the battery is running out, the white light will
flicker 2 or 3 times in a row, stop for a second and
then flicker 2 or 3 times in a row, as a cycle.
●Operating Mode
1.Reversing Switch
2.Counte Clockwise
1.High Speed
2.Low Speed
1.Led Light
Select hammer mode to realize hammer function, drill
mode to realize drilling or other heavy load operation,
screw mode to realize elastic screw. Turn the mode
switch cup to align the logo with the indicated arrow
and hear the "click" sound.
●Torque Setting
Position, The clutch will not trip, so use
the auxiliary handle and pay attention to safety.
When the mode switch cup is at position
torque force of the cup should be adjusted by
turning 24 gears to adjust the tightening torque. The
calibration and indicating arrow should be aligned
during adjustment. The smaller the number is , the
smaller the torque will be.
●Drilling Action
•Pressing excessively on the tool will not speed up
the drilling. In fact, this excessive pressure will only
serve to damage the tip of your bit, decrease the tool
performance and shorten the service life of the tool.
•There is a tremendous force exerted on the tool/bit
at the time of break- through. Hold the tool firmly and
exert care when the bit begins to break through the
work piece.
•A stuck bit can be removed simply by setting the
reversing switch to reverse rotation in order to back
out. However, the tool may back out abruptly if you
do not hold it firmly.
•Always secure small workpieces in a vise or similar
hold down device.
•Position the speed change lever to the "1" side to
drill the hole whose diameter is larger than 10mm.
Align the marketing and indicating arrows for normal
drilling operations. When drilling into a plank, use
a wood drill with a lead screw to get a good drilling
effect. To lead screw makes it easier for the bit to drill
into the workpiece. When drilling a hole in metal, to
1.Function Sign
2.Indicating Arrow
, the
Presetting Ring