Installation Guidelines
• Consult local codes for specific installation requirements and
restrictions applicable to your area. FEBCO recommends
that system supply pressure is at least 20 psi (138 kPa).
• Install the assembly in the horizontal position with the relief
valve on the side.
• Achieve approved flow directions by removing the two bolts
at the inlet or outlet adapter flange and rotating the ball
valve/adapter assembly into the desired configuration. (See
Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4.)
• Install the valve assembly where relief valve discharge is
acceptable or where it can be completely drained. The
valve assembly must be installed where it is accessible for
periodic testing and maintenance. Clearances shown in
the installation views apply to exterior, interior, and pit/vault
installations and are recommendations only. (See Figures
5 and 6.) These minimums do not apply to removable
protective enclosures. Refer to local codes for actual
requirements in your area.
The gap drain is not designed to catch the maximum
discharge possible from the relief valve. The installation of a
FEBCO air gap with the drain line terminating above a floor
drain handles any normal discharge or nuisance spitting
through the relief valve. However, the floor drain size may
need to be designed to prevent water damage caused by a
catastrophic failure condition. Do not reduce the size of the
drain line from the air gap fitting.
• Before installing the valve into the line, flush the supply
line of all foreign material. Failure to flush the supply line
may cause the check valves to become fouled and require
disassembly and cleaning.
• After installation, slowly fill the assembly with water and
bleed air from the body using test cocks No. 3 and No. 4.
Test the valve assembly to ensure correct operation. Test
the valve assembly to ensure correct operation.
All assemblies are tested at the factory for proper operation
and leakage. If the valve does not pass the field test, its
failure is most likely due to a fouled check valve. This is not
covered by the factory warranty. The valve cover(s) must be
removed and the check seats inspected and cleaned. Any
damage or improper operation caused by pipeline debris or
improper installation/start-up is not included in the factory
In case of a possible warranty claim, contact your local
supplier or FEBCO representative. Do not remove the valve
assembly from the pipeline.
• Protect the assembly from freezing and excessive pressure
increases. Thermal expansion or water hammer can cause
pressure increases. These excessive pressure situations
must be eliminated to protect the valve and system from
possible damage.
• Use the plastic test cock plugs and tethers provided for
areas that require them.
Figure 1
Vertical Up Flow In
Vertical Down Flow Out
Figure 3
Vertical Up Flow In
Horizontal Flow Out
18" Min
12" Min
12" Min
(Refer to Local Codes)
Figure 2
Horizontal Flow In
Vertical Down Flow Out
Figure 4
Horizontal Flow In
Horizontal Flow Out
Figure 5
6" Min
Figure 6