The limitedwarranty set forth belowisgivenby MTDLLCwith respectto
newmerchandisepurchasedand usedin the UnitedStates,its posses-
sionsand territories.
"MTD"warrantsthis productagainstdefectsin materialand workmanship
for a periodof two (2) yearscommencingon the dateof originalpurchase
and will, at its option,repairor replace,free of charge,anypart foundto
be defectivein materialsor workmanship. T his limitedwarrantyshallonly
applyif this producthas beenoperatedand maintainedin accordance
with the Operator'sManualfurnishedwith the product,and has not been
subjectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse, neglect,accident,improper
maintenance, a lteration,vandalism,theft, fire,water,or damagebecause
of otherperil or naturaldisaster.Damageresultingfrom the installationor
useof any part, accessoryor attachmentnotapprovedby MTDfor use
with the product(s)coveredbythis manualwill voidyourwarrantyas to
any resultingdamage.
Normalwearparts are warranted to be free fromdefects in materialand
workmanship for a periodof thirty (30) days fromthe dateof purchase.
Normalwearparts include,butare notlimitedto itemssuch as: batteries,
belts,blades,bladeadapters,grass bags, riderdeck wheels,seats, snow
throwerskid shoes,shaveplates,augerspiralrubberand tires.
HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICE: Warranty service is available, WITH
PROOF OF PURCHASE, through your local authorized service
dealer. To locate the dealer in your area, check your Yellow Pages, or
contact MTD LLC at RO. Box 361131,Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019,or
call 1-800-800-7310 or 1-330-220-4683 or log on to our Web site at
This limitedwarrantydoesnot providecoveragein the followingcases:
a. Theengineor componentparts thereof.These itemsmaycarry a
separatemanufacturer's warranty.Referto applicablemanufacturer's
warrantyfor termsand conditions.
b. Log splitterpumps,valves,and cylindershavea separateone year
c. Routinemaintenance itemssuch as lubricants,filters, blade
sharpening, t une-ups,brakeadjustments, c lutchadjustments, d eck
adjustments, a nd normaldeterioration of the exteriorfinish due to use
or exposure.
d. Servicecompletedby someoneotherthanan authorizedservice
e. MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exported
outsideof the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories,except
those soldthroughMTD'sauthorizedchannelsof exportdistribution.
f. Replacement p artsthat are not genuineMTDparts.
g. Transportation chargesand servicecalls.
No impliedwarranty,includingany impliedwarranty of merchant-
ability of fitness for a particularpurpose,applies after the applicable
periodof express written warranty above as to the partsas identi-
fied. No other express warranty, whether written or oral, except as
mentionedabove, givenby any personor entity,includinga dealer
or retailer,with respect to any product,shallbind MTD. Duringthe
periodof the warranty, the exclusive remedyis repairor replacement
of the productas set forth above.
The provisionsas set forth in this warranty providethe sole and
exclusive remedy arising from the sale. MTDshall not be liable
for incidentalor consequential loss or damage including,without
limitation, expenses incurredfor substitute or replacementlawn care
services or for rentalexpenses to temporarily replacea warranted
Somestatesdo not allowtheexclusionor limitationof incidentalor
consequential d amages,or limitationson howlong an impliedwarranty
lasts, so the aboveexclusionsor limitationsmay notapplyto you.
In no eventshall recoveryof any kind be greaterthan theamountof the
purchasepriceof the productsold. Alterationof safetyfeatures of the
productshall void this warranty. Youassumethe risk and liability for
loss, damage,or injury to youand your propertyand/orto others and their
propertyarisingout of the misuseor inabilityto use theproduct.
This limitedwarrantyshall notextendto anyoneotherthanthe original
purchaseror to the personfor whom itwas purchasedas a gift.
rantygives youspecificlegal rights,and you mayalso haveother rights
which vary from stateto state.
IMPORTANT: OwnermustpresentOriginalProofof Purchaseto obtain
OHIO 44136-0019;
Phone: 1-800-800-7310,