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MTD 414 Serie Manual Del Operador página 5

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19.Shut the engine off andwait untilthe bladecomesto a
completestop before removingthe grasscatcheror unclog-
ging the chute.
The cuttingbladecontinuesto rotatefor a fewseconds after
the engine is shut off. Neverplaceany part of the bodyin
the bladearea untilyou are surethe blade hasstopped
20. Neveroperate mowerwithoutpropertrail shield, discharge
cover,grass catcher,bladecontrol handleor othersafety
protectivedevices in placeand working.Neveroperate
mowerwithdamagedsafetydevices.Failureto do so can
resultin personalinjury.
21. Mufflerandengine becomehot andcan causea burn.Do
not touch.
22. Only use parts and accessoriesmadefor this machineby
manufacturer.Failureto do so can result inpersonalinjury.
23. If situationsoccurwhich are not coveredin this manual,
use careand goodjudgment. Contactyourdealerfor
assistance.Telephone1-800-800-7310 for the name of your
Slope Operation
Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto slip andfallaccidents,which
can resultinsevereinjury.Operationon slopes requiresextra
caution.If you feel uneasyon a slope,do not mow it.For your
safety,usethe slope gaugeincludedas part of this manualto
measureslopes beforeoperatingthis unit on a slopedor hilly
area.If the slope is greaterthan 15degrees,do not mowit.
1. Mowacrossthe face of slopes;neverup anddown.Exercise
extremecautionwhenchangingdirectionon slopes.
2. Watchfor holes,ruts,rocks, hiddenobjects,or bumpswhich
can causeyouto slip or trip. Tallgrass can hide obstacles.
3. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting.A slip andfall can cause
serious personalinjury.If you feel you are losingyour
balance,releasethe bladecontrol handle immediately,and
the bladewill stop rotatingwithin 3 seconds.
Do Not:
1. Donot mownear drop-offs, ditchesor embankments, y ou
could loseyour footing or balance.
2. Donot mowslopes greaterthan 15degrees asshown on
the slope gauge.
3. Donot mowon wetgrass. Unstablefooting could cause
Safe Handling Of Gasoline:
1. To avoid personalinjury or propertydamage useextreme
care inhandlinggasoline. Gasolineis extremelyflammable
and the vapors are explosive.Serious personalinjury can
occur when gasolineis spilled on yourself or your clothes,
which can ignite.
2. Wash yourskin andchangeclothesimmediately.
3. Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer.
4. Neverfill containers insidea vehicle or on a truckor trailer
bedwitha plasticliner.Alwaysplace containerson the
ground awayfrom yourvehicle beforefilling.
5. Removegas-poweredequipmentfromthe truck or trailer
and refuel it on the ground.If this is not possible,then refuel
such equipmenton a trailer witha portablecontainer,rather
than from a gasoline dispensernozzle.
6. Keepthe nozzlein contactwiththe rim of the fuel tank or
container openingat all times until fuelingis complete.Do
not use a nozzle lock-opendevice.
7. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipesand othersources
of ignition.
8. Neverfuel machineindoorbecauseflammablevapors will
accumulatein the area.
9. Neverremovegas cap or add fuel whileengine is hot or
running. Allow engineto cool at least two minutesbefore
10. Neveroverfill fuel tank. Filltank to no morethan Y2 inch
below bottomof filler neckto providefor fuel expansion.
11. Replacegasoline cap andtighten securely.
12. If gasolineis spilled,wipe it off the engine and equipment.
Moveunit to another area.Wait 5 minutesbeforestarting
13. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containernear an open
flame,sparkor pilot light as on a water heater,space
heater,furnace, clothesdryeror othergas appliances.
14. Toreducefire hazard,keepmowerfree of grass, leaves,
or other debrisbuild-up.Clean up oil or fuel spillage and
removeany fuel soakeddebris.
15. Allow a mowerto cool at least5 minutesbeforestoring.
General Service:
1. Neverrun an engine indoorsor in a poorlyventilatedarea.
Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide, a n odorlessand
2. Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspecting,makecertainthe
bladeandall movingparts havestopped.Disconnect t he
sparkplug wire andgroundagainstthe engineto prevent
3. Checkthe bladeandengine mountingbolts atfrequent
intervalsfor propertightness.Also,visuallyinspectbladefor
damage(e.g.,bent,cracked,worn) Replacebladewiththe
originalequipmentmanufacture's (O.E.M.)bladeonly,listed
inthis manual. " Use of partswhichdo not meetthe original
equipmentspecificationsmay leadto improperperformance
4. Mowerbladesare sharp andcan cut.Wrap the bladeor wear
gloves,anduse extracautionwhen servicingthem.
5. Keepall nuts,bolts, andscrewstight to be surethe equip-
mentis insafe workingcondition.
6. Nevertamperwithsafetydevices.Checktheir proper opera-
tion regularly.
7. Afterstrikinga foreignobject,stop the engine,discon-
nect the sparkplug wire andgroundagainstthe engine.
Thoroughlyinspectthe mowerfor any damage.Repairthe
damagebeforestartingandoperatingthe mower.
8. Neverattemptto makea wheel or cuttingheightadjustment
whilethe engine is running.
9. Grasscatchercomponents,dischargecover,andtrail
shield aresubjectto wear anddamagewhichcould expose
movingparts or allowobjectsto be thrown.For safety
protection,frequentlycheck componentsandreplaceim-
mediatelywithoriginal equipmentmanufacturer's (O.E.M.)
parts only,listed inthis manual."Use of parts which do
not meetthe original equipmentspecificationsmaylead to
10. Do not changethe enginegovernorsettingor over-revthe
engine.The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operating
speedof the engine.
11. Maintainor replacesafetylabels,as necessary.
12. Observeproperdisposallawsand regulations. I mproper
disposalof fluidsand materialscan harmthe environment.
This symbol points
out important safety
instructions, which if
not followed, could
endangerthe personal
safety and/or property
of yourselfand others.
Read and follow all
instructions in this man-
ual before attempting to
operate this machine.
Failureto comply with
these instructions may
result in personal injury.
When you see this
Your Responsibility
Restrictthe use
of this power machine
to persons who read.
and follow the warnings
and instructions
in this manua
and on the machine.

