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MTD 414 Serie Manual Del Operador página 9

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WARNING:The operationof any lawn
mowercan result in foreign objects
being thrownintothe eyes,whichcan
damageyoureyes severely.Always
wear safetyglasseswhileoperating
the mower,or while performing any
adjustments or repairson it.
WARNING:Besure no one otherthan
the operatoris standingnear the lawn
mower whilestartingengine or operat-
ingmower. Never run engine indoors
or in enclosed, poorly ventilated areas.
Engine exhaust contains carbon monox-
ide,an odorless and deadly gas. Keep
hands,feet, hair and loose clothing
away from any moving parts on engine
and lawnmower.
1. Pushprimerthreetimes.Wait abouttwo seconds
betweeneachpush. See Figure2. Intemperature
around550F or below,primefive times.Do not prime
to restarta warm engine.
2. Standingbehindthe mower,squeezethe bladecontrol
againstupper handle.See Figure2.
3. Holdingthesetwo handlestogetherfirmly,grasp recoil
starterhandleand pull ropeout with a rapid,continu-
ous, full arm stroke.See Figure2. Keepinga firm
grip on the starterhandle,let the rope rewindslowly.
Repeatuntil enginecranks.Letthe roperewindeach
time slowly.
ARNING:Wait for the blade to stop
completelybefore doing any work
on the mower or to removethe grass
1. Releasebladecontrol to stop theengineand blade.
2. Disconnectsparkplug wirefrom spark plug and
groundagainstthe engine.
Lawn Mower
WARNING:Never operate your mower
without eitherthe rear door or the entire
grass catcher assembly firmly secured.
Be surelawnis clearof stones,sticks,wire,or other
objectswhich coulddamagelawnmoweror engine.
Such objectscouldbe accidentlythrownby the mower
in anydirectionand cause seriouspersonalinjuryto the
operatorand others.
Figure 2
ARNING:If you strike a foreign
object, stop the engine.Remove
wire from the spark plug,thoroughly
inspectmower for any damage, and
repair damage before restarting and
operating. Extensive vibration of
mower during operation is an indica-
tion of damage.The unit should be
promptlyinspectedand repaired.
1. Forbest results,do notcut wet grass.
2. Fora healthierlawn, nevercut off morethan one-
thirdof the total lengthof the grass.
Using as Mulcher
Formulchinggrass,removethe grasscatcherfrom the
mower.The rear dischargedoor shouldbe closed.
1. Foreffectivemulching,do notcut wet grass.
2. Newor thick grassmay requirea narrowercut.
Adjustgroundspeedaccordingto conditionof lawn.
3. If thegrass has beenallowedto growin excessof
4 inches,mulchingis not recommended. U sethe
grasscatcherto bag clippingsinstead.
Grass Catcher
Youcan usethe grass catcherto collectclippingswhile
youare operatingthe mower.
1. Attachgrasscatcherfollowinginstructionson page
7. Grass clippingswill automaticallycollectin the
bag as you runthe mower.Operatethe mowertill the
grass bag is full.
2. Stopenginecompletelyby releasingthe blade
controlhandle.Makesurethat the unit hascometo
a completestop.
3. Lift dischargedoor and pull grassbag up and away
fromthe mowerto disposeof the grass clippings.
The operation of any
lawn mower can result
in foreign objects
being thrown into
the eyes, which can
damage your eyes
severely. Always wear
safety glasses while
operating the mower,
or while performing
any adjustments or
repairs on it.
Be sure no one other
than the operator is
standing near the lawn
mower while starting
engine or operating
mower. Never run
engine indoors or
n enclosed, poorly
ventilated areas. En-
gine exhaust contains
carbon monoxide, an
odorless and deadly
gas. Keep hands, feet,
hair and loose clothing
away from any moving
parts on engine and
lawn mower.

