Before you call for service..,
Troubleshooting Tips
Save time and moneg! Review the charts on the
following pages first and gou mag not need to coil
for service.
Notspinningor agitating
What ToDo
Drain hoseis kinked or
improperlg connected
Householddrain mag
be clogged
Drain hosesiphoning; d rain hose
pushedtoo far down the drain
Washer pump filter mag
* Clean PumpFilter- Openthe pump accessdoor (usea coin)
be clogged
and remove the pump filter bg turning it counterclockwiseand
pulling out. Cleanthe filter,removing all loose debris,and put filter
back in place.
Load is out of balance
* Redistributeclothesand run drain & spinor rinse&spin.
• Increaseload sizeif washing small load containing heavg
and light items.
Leaking water
Door gasket isdamaged
• Checkto seeif gasketis seated and not torn. Objects
left in pockets mag causedamage to the washer (nails,
Door gasket not damaged
• Water mag dripfrom the door when the door is opened.
Thisis a normal operation.
Checkback left of washer
• If this area is wet, gou have oversudsingcondition.
for water
Fill hosesor drain hose is
• Make surehoseconnectionsare tight at washer and
improperlg connected
faucets and make sureend of drain hoseis correctlg
insertedin and securedto drain facilitg.
Householddrain mag
• Checkhouseholdplumbing.Youmag need to call
be clogged
a plumber.
Not draining
Drain hoseis kinked or
• Straightendrain hoseand makesurewasher is not
improperlg connected
sitting on it.
Householddrain mag
• Checkhouseholdplumbing.Youmag need to call
be clogged
a plumber.
Drain hosesiphoning; d rain hose
• Ensurethere is an air gap betweenhoseand drain.
pushedtoo far down the drain
Washer pump filter mag
• Clean PumpFilter- Openthe pump accessdoor (usea coin)
be clogged
and remove the pump filter bg turning it counterclockwiseand
pulling out. Cleanthe filter,removingall loose debris,and put filter
back in place.
Drain hoseis kinked or
* Straightendrain hoseand makesurewasher is not sitting on it.
improperlg connected
Householddrain meg
• Checkhouseholdplumbing.Youmag need to call a plumber.
be clogged
Drain hosesiphoning; d rain hose
* Ensurethere is an air gap betweenhoseand drain.
pushedtoo far down the drain
Washer pump filter mag
• Clean PumpFilter- Openthe pump accessdoor (usea coin)
be clogged
and remove the pump filter bg turning it counterclockwiseand
pulling out. Cleanthe filter,removingall loose debris,and put filter
back in place.
Load is out of balance
• Redistributeclothesand run drain & spinor rinse& spin.
• Increaseload sizeif washing small load containing heavg
and light items.
Motor is overheated
• Washer motor will stop if it becomesoverheated.It will
automaticallg restart after a cool-down periodof up to
2 hours (ifwasher has not been manuallgturned off).
Door is open
• Make suredoor is closed.
Straighten drainhoseand make surewasherisnot
Check household p lumbing, Youmagneedto call
a plumber.
Ensure thereisanair gapbetween hoseanddrain.