Button Controls
DE: Tastensteuerung
ES: Controles de Botón
FR : Contrôles Bouton
RU: Управление кнопками
JP: ボタンの操作方法
08 QSG
18-month limited warranty
18měsíční omezená záruka | 18 måneders begrenset garanti | 18 Monate beschränkte
Herstellergarantie | Garantía limitada de 18 meses | 18 kuukauden rajoitettu takuu |
Garantie limitée de 18 mois | Garanzia limitata 18 mesi | 18 maanden beperkte garantie |
18-måneders begrænset garanti | 18-miesięczna ograniczona gwarancja | 18 meses de
garantia limitada | Ограниченная гарантия на 18 месяцев | 18 månaders begränsad
garanti | 18 aylık sınırlı Garanti | 通常保証18ヶ月 (延長あり) | 18개월 제한 보증 | 18个月质保期 |
18個月有限保固 | ﺿﻣﺎﻧﺔ 81 ﺷﮭر ا ً ﻣﺣدودة
support.mea@soundcore.com (For Middle East and Africa Only)
support@anker.com (日本)
+1 (800) 988 7973 (US/Canada)
+44 (0) 1604 936200 (UK)
+49 (0) 69 9579 7960 (DE)
03 4455 7823 (日本)
+86 400 0550 036 (中国)
+82 02-1661-9246 (한국)
Input: 5V 1A
Charging time: 3 hours
Playtime (varies by volume level and playback content): Up to 12 hours*
*Note: The 12-hour max battery life is for reference only and may vary depending on music
content and battery degradation after multiple discharging cycles. It's achievable with the
X1 EQ Switch
light show switched off, BassUp off, the volume level at 50%, and using a Bluetooth
streaming source.
Anker Innovations Limited | Room 1318-19, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Anker Technology (UK) Limited | GNR8, 49 Clarendon Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD17
1HP, United Kingdom
Anker Innovations Deutschland GmbH | Georg-Muche-Strasse 3, 80807 Munich, Germany
+971 529750842 (Middle East & Africa)
+971 8000320817 (UAE)
+966 8008500030 (KSA)
+965 22069086 (Kuwait)
+20 8000000826 (Egypt)
QSG 09