Description and use
The appliance you have purchased is an in-line extractor fan designed for direct extraction (outside or into short ducts),
compatible with wall / panel, false wall, ceiling and false ceiling installation. The appliance is protected against jets of
water (IP45 protection rating), so it is suitable for rooms with a high degree of humidity. All the models are equipped with
a motor with ball bearings. The range consists of 10 models, of standard diameter equal to 100 and 120 mm, with
different technical data, consumptions and items supplied: (see "Installation" and "Use" for a more detailed description
of the various functions:
TEKSTÜR PLUS 100-120 LL: basic, one-speed versions;
TEKSTÜR PLUS 100-120 LL T HR: version with advanced timer and humidity sensor: the appliance is equipped with a
PCB including a humidity sensor that can automatically activate the system when the ambient relative humidity values
exceed a threshold the installer can set on four values:
60%RH, 70%RH, 80%RH, 90%RH (70%RH is the factory default value);
the PCB moreover permits time-lagged switching on and/or off at the Vmin or Vmax speed.
TEKSTÜR PLUS 100-120 LL MOTION: version with simplified timer at a speed of Vmin or Vmax and MOTION presence
sensor: the appliance is equipped with a PCB including a MOTION sensor that can automatically activate the system
when it detects a presence; the PCB also permits time-lagged switching off. The length of the switch-off delay, as well as
the only operating speed, Vmin or Vmax, can be set during installation.
TEKSTÜR PLUS 100-120 LL T: Version with simplified single speed timer: the device is equipped with an electronic card
that allows delayed shutdown. The amount of the switch-off delay can be adjusted during the stabilization phase.
These appliances are designed for use in residential and commercial