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All manuals and user guides at
Unpacking and levelling
Connecting the electricity and water supplies
Technical data
Touch control panel
Table of wash cycles
Wash options
Preparing the laundry
Washing recommendations
Load balancing system
General safety
Opening the porthole door manually
Cutting off the water and electricity supplies
Cleaning the machine
Cleaning the detergent dispenser drawer
Caring for your appliance drum
Cleaning the pump
Checking the water inlet hose



Resumen de contenidos para Hotpoint Ariston AQUALTIS AQ9D 48 X

  • Página 1 All manuals and user guides at Unpacking and levelling Connecting the electricity and water supplies Technical data Touch control panel Table of wash cycles Wash options Detergent Preparing the laundry Washing recommendations Load balancing system General safety Disposal Opening the porthole door manually Cutting off the water and electricity supplies Cleaning the machine Cleaning the detergent dispenser drawer...
  • Página 2 All manuals and user guides at  This instruction manual should be kept in a safe place  If the appliance is levelled correctly, it will be more for future reference. If the washing machine is sold, stable and much less likely to cause vibrations and noise given away or moved, please ensure the manual is kept while it is operating, particularly during the spin cycle.
  • Página 3 All manuals and user guides at  Do not use extension cords or multiple sockets. Connect the drain hose to  The cable should not be bent or compressed. drain duct piping or a wall drain located between 65  The power supply cable and plug must only be and 100 cm above the replaced by authorised technicians.
  • Página 4 All manuals and user guides at recommend it is poured into the drawer immediately Always use the handle to before you start the washing machine. open the porthole door (see 3. extra compartment: Bleach figure).  The use of extra compartment 3 excludes the pre- wash function.
  • Página 5 All manuals and user guides at button with indicator light button knob indicator light button icons Button with button with indicator light buttons indicator light button indicator light again; the indicator light will flash in an orange colour. If the Button with indicator light: press this briefly to switch “Door locked”...
  • Página 6 All manuals and user guides at before you use the washing machine for To remove the delayed start option, press the button the first time, run a wash cycle with detergent and no until the display shows the text OFF; the symbol laundry, using the 90°...
  • Página 7 All manuals and user guides at Detergent and additives Max. Max. Max. Cycle Icon Description of the wash cycle temp. speed load duration Detergent Fabric (°C) (rpm) (kg) Bleach for wash softener Cottons wash cycles Cottons with pre-wash 90° 1400 (Add detergent to the relevant compartment).
  • Página 8 All manuals and user guides at use the special “Silk” wash cycle to wash all silk The type and quantity of detergent required depend on garments. We recommend the use of special detergent the type of fabric you are washing (cotton, wool, silk, which has been designed to wash delicate clothes.
  • Página 9 All manuals and user guides at  The machine was designed and constructed in accordance with international safety regulations. The In the event that it is not possible to open the porthole following information is provided for safety reasons and door due to a powercut, and if you wish to remove the must therefore be read carefully.
  • Página 10 All manuals and user guides at To access the pre-chamber: • Turn off the water tap after every wash cycle. This will limit wear on the hydraulic system in the machine and help to prevent leaks. • Unplug the appliance when cleaning it and during all maintenance work.
  • Página 11 All manuals and user guides at Your washing machine could occasionally fail to work. Before contacting the Technical Assistance Centre (see “Assistance”), make sure that the problem cannot be not solved easily using the following list. • The appliance is not plugged into the socket fully, or not enough to make contact.
  • Página 12 All manuals and user guides at • Check whether you can solve the problem by yourself (see “Trouble shooting”); • Restart the wash cycle to check whether the problem has been solved; • If it has not, contact the Authorised Technical Assistance Service.  If the washing machine has been installed or used incorrectly, you will have to pay for the call-out service.
  • Página 13 All manuals and user guides at
  • Página 14 All manuals and user guides at  Voordat u watertoevoerbuis aansluit op het waternet moet u het water laten lopen totdat het helder is. (zie afbeelding). zie afbeelding (zie afbeelding) (zie bladzijde hiernaast).
  • Página 15 All manuals and user guides at (zie afbeelding). (zie hiernaast); hiernaast...
  • Página 16 All manuals and user guides at wasmiddelbakje voorwas wasmiddelbakje (zie hoofdwas afbeelding). bakje wasverzachters “Wasmiddelen en wasgoed”. afbeelding N.B.: plak de sticker met de beschrijving van programma’s en opties op het wasmiddelbakje. De sticker bevindt zich in het zakje waar ook deze handleiding zat.
  • Página 17 All manuals and user guides at Knop met controlelampje Knop Knop Controlelampje Symbolen Knop Knop met controlelampje Knop met controlelampje Knop Knoppen Controlelampje “Het uitvoeren van een wascyclus”). “Programmatabel” (zie “Het uitvoeren van een wascyclus”). (zie “Het uitvoeren van een wascyclus”). (zie “Het uitvoeren van een wascyclus”).
  • Página 18 All manuals and user guides at programmatabel “Beschrijving van de wasautomaat”.
  • Página 19 All manuals and user guides at (Doe het wasmiddel in het speciale vakje). (zie afb.).
  • Página 20 All manuals and user guides at (zie afbeeldingen) “Programmatabel”...
  • Página 21 All manuals and user guides at afbeelding zie volgende pagina...
  • Página 22 All manuals and user guides at (zie afbeeldingen). afbeelding . (zie afbeelding). afbeelding .
  • Página 23 All manuals and user guides at zie “Service”) zie “Installatie”). zie “Installatie”). zie Programma’s en opties”). zie “Programma’s en opties”). zie “Installatie”). “Installatie”). zie “Installatie”). zie “Installatie”). zie “Wasmiddelen en wasgoed”). zie “Installatie”). zie “Onderhoud en verzorging”) zie “Installatie”). (zie “Voorzorgsmaatregelen en advies”).
  • Página 24 All manuals and user guides at (zie “Storingen en oplossingen”);...
  • Página 25 All manuals and user guides at
  • Página 26 All manuals and user guides at  Antes de conectar el tubo de alimentación a la red hídrica, haga correr agua hasta que sea límpida. (ver la figura). ver la figura (ver la figura) (ver la página correspondiente).
  • Página 27 All manuals and user guides at (ver la figura). (ver al costado); ver al costado...
  • Página 28 All manuals and user guides at cubeta para el prelavado cubeta para el lavado (ver la figura). Cuando se abre la puerta, cubeta para aditivos se enciende una luz que ilumina el cesto. “Detergentes y ropa”. en la figura. Nota: adhiera al contenedor de detergente el adhesivo con la descripción de los...
  • Página 29 All manuals and user guides at (ver “Cómo efectuar un ciclo de lavado”). “Tabla de programas”. (ver “Cómo realizar un ciclo de lavado”). (ver “Cómo realizar un ciclo de lavado”). Cuando se enciende por primera vez (ver “Cómo efectuar un ciclo de lavado”).
  • Página 30 All manuals and user guides at “Descripción de la máquina”. ALGODÓN Inicio en Acaba en Inicio en Acaba en...
  • Página 31 All manuals and user guides at Detergentes y aditivos Temp. Velocidad Carga Duración Icono Descripción del Programa max. máx. max. del ciclo (°C) (r.p.m.) (Kg) Lavado Suavizante Blanqueador Programas Algodón Algodón (Agregue el detergente en el compartimento correspondiente). Algodón (1) Algodón (2): Algodón de color (3) Camisas...
  • Página 32 All manuals and user guides at (ver las figuras) ¾ “Tabla de Programas”...
  • Página 33 All manuals and user guides at figura ver la página...
  • Página 34 All manuals and user guides at (ver las figuras). ver la figura ; (ver la figura). ver la figura ;...
  • Página 35 All manuals and user guides at ver “Asistencia Técnica”) “Instalación”). ver “Instalación”). ver “Programas y opciones”). ver “Programas y opciones”). ver “Instalación”). ver “Instalación”). ver “Instalación”). ver “Instalación”). ver “Detergentes y ropa”). ver “Instalación”). ver “Mantenimiento y cuidados”) ver “Instalación”). (ver “Precauciones y consejos”).
  • Página 36 All manuals and user guides at • Verifique si la anomalía la puede resolver Ud. solo (ver “Anomalías y Soluciones”); La siguiente información es válida solo para España. Para otros países de habla hispana consulte a su vendedor. Ampliación de garantía 902.363.539 Servicio de asistencia técnica (SAT) 902.133.133...
  • Página 37 All manuals and user guides at
  • Página 38 All manuals and user guides at  Antes de ligar o tubo de alimentação à rede hídrica, deixe a água escorrer até que seja límpida. (veja a figura). (veja a figura). (ver figura). (veja a página ao lado).
  • Página 39 All manuals and user guides at (veja a figura). (veja ao lado); veja ao lado...
  • Página 40 All manuals and user guides at Gaveta adicional: (veja a figura). recipiente para os aditivos Quando se abre a porta de vidro, acende-se uma luz que ilumina o tambor. figura. “Detergentes e roupa”. Nota: cole na gaveta dos detergentes o adesivo com as descrições dos programas e opções.
  • Página 41 All manuals and user guides at “Como efectuar um ciclo de lavagem”). “Tabela dos Programas”. (ver “Como efectuar um ciclo de lavagem”). (ver “Como efectuar um ciclo de lavagem”). A primeira vez que ligar a máquina (ver “Como efectuar um ciclo de lavagem”).
  • Página 42 All manuals and user guides at "Acaba em página seguinte. “Descrição da máquina”. Algodão "Inicia em” "Acaba "Inicia em”...
  • Página 43 All manuals and user guides at Velocità Detergentes e aditivos Temp. max. Carga Duração Icone Descrição do Programa max. (rotações max. ciclo Água de (°C) (Kg) Lavagem Amaciador Javel minuto) Programas para algodão Algodão (Acrescentar o detergente no específico compartimento). Algodão (1): Algodão (2): Algodão coloridos (3)
  • Página 44 All manuals and user guides at (veja as figuras) ¾ Tabela dos Programas...
  • Página 45 All manuals and user guides at figura veja a página...
  • Página 46 All manuals and user guides at (veja as figuras). ver figura ; (veja a figura). veja a figura ;...
  • Página 47 All manuals and user guides at veja “Assistência”) veja “Instalação”). veja “Instalação”). veja “Programas e opções”). (veja “Programas e opções”). veja “Instalação”). (veja “Instalação”) (veja “Instalação”). (veja “Instalação”). (veja “Detergentes e roupa”). veja “Instalação”). veja “Manutenção e cuidados”) veja “Instalação”). (veja “Precauções e conselhos”).
  • Página 48 All manuals and user guides at 195080575.00 07/2009 - Xerox Fabriano (veja “Anomalias e soluções”);...