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Craftsman 247.370480 Manual Del Operador página 3

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This symbolpointsout importantsafety instructions
which,if not followed,couldendangerthe personal
safetyand/or propertyof yourselfand others.Read
and followall instructionsin this manualbefore
attemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywith these
instructionsmay resultin personalinjury.Whenyousee this symbol,
Your Responsibility: Restrictthe useof this powermachineto
personswho read,understand,and followthe warningsand instruc-
tions in this manualand on the machine.
This machinewasbuilt to be operatedaccordingtothe rulesfor
safe operationin this manual.As with anytype of powerequipment,
carelessnessor error on the part of the operatorcan resultin serious
injury.This machineis capableof amputatinghandsand feet and
throwingobjects.Failureto observethefollowingsafetyinstructions
could resultin seriousinjury or death.
Whenusingelectriclawnmowers,basic safetyprecautionsshould
alwaysbe followedto reducethe risk of fire, electricshock, and
personalinjury.These basicprecautionsincludethefollowing:
Tragicaccidentscan occur if operatoris not alertto presenceof children.Chil-
dren areoften attractedto mowerandmowingactivity. T heydo not understand
the dangers.Neverassumethatchildrenwill remainwhereyou lastsawthem.
Keepchildren out of the mowingarea andunderwatchfulcareof a
responsibleadultotherthanthe operator.
Be alert andturn moweroff if a child entersthe area.
Beforeandwhile movingbackwards,look behindand downfor small
Useextremecare when approachingblind corners,doorways,shrubs,
trees, or otherobjectsthat may obscureyour vision of a childwho may
run intothe mower.
Neverallowchildrenunder 14yearsold to operatea power mower.
Children14years old and overshouldread and understandoperation
instructionsand safetyrulesin this manualand shouldbe trainedand
supervisedbya parent.
General Operation:
Read thisoperator'smanual carefullyin its entiretybeforeattempting
to assemblethis machine.Read,understand,andfollow all instructions
on the machineand inthe manual(s) beforeoperation.Becompletely
familiarwiththe controlsand the proper use of this machinebefore
operatingit. Keepthis manualin a safe place forfuture andregular
referenceand for orderingreplacementparts.
This machineis a precisionpiece of powerequipment,not a plaything.
Therefore,exerciseextremecautionat all times.Yourunit has been
designedto performonejob: to mowgrass. Do not use it for anyother
Don'tforce lawn mower- it will do the job betterandsafer at the ratefor
whichit wasdesigned.
Neverallowchildrenunder 14yearsold to operatethis machine.
Children14years old and overshouldread and understandthe instruc-
tions inthis manualand shouldbe trainedand supervisedby a parent.
Only responsibleindividualswho arefamiliar withthese rulesof safe
operationshould be allowedto use this machine.
Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentisto be used. Remove
all stones,sticks,wire, bones,toys and otherforeign objectswhich could
betripped overor picked up andthrown bythe blade.Thrown objects
can cause seriouspersonalinjury.Planyour mowingpatternto avoid
dischargeof materialtoward roads,sidewalks,bystandersand the like.
Also, avoid dischargingmaterialagainsta wall or obstructionwhichmay
causedischarged materialto ricochet backtoward the operator.
To help avoid bladecontactor a thrownobject injury,stay in operator
zone behindhandlesand keepchildren,bystanders,helpersand pets at
least75 feet from mowerwhileit is inoperation.Stopmachineif anyone
Alwayswearsafetyglasses or safetygoggles duringoperationandwhile
performingan adjustmentor repairto protectyour eyes.Thrown objects
which ricochetcan causeserious injuryto the eyes.
Wear sturdy, rough-soledwork shoesandclose-fittingslacksandshirts.
Shirts and pantsthat coverthe armsand legs andsteel-toedshoes
are recommended.Neveroperatethis machinein barefeet, sandals,
slipperyor light weight (e.g. canvas)shoes.
Donot put handsor feet near rotatingpartsor undercutting deck.
Contactwith bladecan amputatehandsandfeet.
A missing or damageddischargecover can causebladecontact or
thrown objectinjuries.
Manyinjuriesoccuras a resultof the mower beingpulledoverthe foot
duringa fall causedby slipping or tripping.Do not hold on to the mowerif
you are falling; releasethe handle immediately.
Neverpull the mower backtoward you whileyou arewalking. If you must
backthe mowerawayfrom a wall or obstructionfirst look down and
behindto avoid trippingandthen followthesesteps:
,, Step backfrom mowerto fullyextend your arms.
,, Besure you are well balancedwith surefooting.
,, Pullthe mower backslowly, no morethan halfwaytoward you.
,, Repeatthese steps as needed.
Donot operatethe mowerwhile underthe influenceof alcoholor drugs.
Stay alert- Watchwhatyou aredoing. Usecommonsense.Donot
operate lawnmowerwhen you are tired.

