Check V=Belts
Followinstructionsbelowto checkconditionof drivebelts every50
hoursof operation.
1. Removetheplasticbelt coveron the front of the engineby
removingthe self-tappingscrewand pressingthe plastictabs to
releasethe beltcover.
2. Visuallyinspectfor frayed,cracked,or excessively worn outbelts.
Replace,if necessary,and follow instructionsbelow.
NOTE:Thereare two belts on this snowthrower:an augerbelt and
drivebelt. it isrecommended that both belts be replacedat the same
1. Removethespark plug wirefrom spark plugand grounditagainst
the engineto preventaccidentalstarting.
2. Runthe engineuntilthe fuel tank isdry to preventgasolineleakage
Performbelt maintenance outdoorsas somegas may possiblyleak
fromthe carburetor.
3. Removetheself-tappingscrewshownin Figure17,and pressthe
plastictabs to releasethe beltcover.Pullthe belt coverup and out
from aroundthe engineand chute assembly.Set it asideand save.
Auger Belt
iMPORTANT:Because gas could leakfromthe carburetorwhen
servicingaugerbelt, run the engineuntilthe fuel tank isdry, as previ-
ously instructed i n ReplacingBelts.
1. Tip the snowthrowerup and forwardso that it restson the auger
housing. Removethe beltkeeperas calledout in Figure19.Return
the snow throwerto itsuprightpositionto completethe following
2. Slipthe front augerbelt off of theengine pulley,pushingit forward
and rollingin off of the pulley.See Figure18.
idler Bracket
Squeezethe augercontrolhandleto releasetheauger brake,
which isthe tab that holdsthe beltonto theauger pulley.Remove
the belt.
4. Replacewith new beltafter replacingthedrive belt.