iMPORTANT: T his unitis shippedwith theengine fullof oil. After
assembly,see page 10for fuel and oil details.
Removing From Carton
1. Cut the cornersof thecarton and lay the sidesflat on the ground.
Removeall packinginserts.
2. Movethe snowthrowerout of thecarton.
3. Makecertainthe carton has beencompletelyemptiedbefore
DO NOT lift the snowthrower bythe chute handle.
Before Assembly
NOTE: Reference to right,left, front or rearof the unit isfrom the
Up The Handle
NOTE: Be awareof the three loosely fitted cableties attachedto the
lowerhandlethat will be utilizedlaterto securethe cables.
1. Loosenand removethe wingknob,saddlewasher,handletaband
carriagescrewon each sideof the lowerhandle.See Figure1.
2. Slidethe loosely fitted cabletie from the rightsideof the lower
handleup to thecross memberof the lowerhandle.Leavethe
secondcabletie in placeon the rightsideof the lowerhandle.See
Figure3 for reference.
itwill be necessaryto lift the upper handlewhile
slidingup this cabletie to preventdamageto the cable.
3. Lift the upper handleup and positionit overthelowerhandle,
aligningthe holeswherethe wingknobs wereremoved(1).See
Be carefulnot to bendor kink the cables.
4. Inserta carriagescrewfromthe outsidethrougha handletab, the
upperand lowerhandles,a saddlewasherand intothe wing knob
(2). Repeaton the otherside.
5. Tightenthewing knobson each sideof the handle.Referto Figure
NOTE:The augercable routesdownthe left lowerhandleandthe
drivecableis routedacrossthe top of the lowerhandleand downthe
rightside of the lowerhandle.See Figure3.
6. Twocableties havebeen usedto looselytie the controlcablesto
the lowerhandle.A pushclip is alsoincludedon the lowerdrive
cable.Positioncableties now,as inFig. 3, and tightento secure
cablesto the lowerhandle.Trimoff excessmaterialof cableties.
Installthe pushclip intothe hole inthe handleprovidedas shownin
the left insetin Figure3.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Drive Cable
Auger Cable
Push Cli
Figure 3