Entorno Del Sistema Del Interface Audio R16; Requisistos Del Sistema De Interface Audio R16 - Zoom R16 Manual De Usuario

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Entorno del sistema del interface audio R16

Para utilizar el programa DAW con esta unidad, tendrá que instalarlo y realizar una serie de ajustes
en él para el R16. A continuación le explicamos cómo hacer todo esto con el Cubase LE4.
Requisistos del sistema de
interface audio R16
XP SP2 o posterior/Windows
o posterior
4 a 1.8 GHz o superior
1 GB RAM como mínimo
Intel Mac
OS X 10.4.11 o posterior/10.5 o posterior
Procesador Intel
1 GB RAM como mínimo
Puerto compatible con USB 2.0.
* No se admiten sistemas operativos de 64 bits.
* Tampoco son admitidos hubs USB.
Acerca de las imágenes en pantalla
Las imágenes de las pantallas son de la versión
para Windows.
Acerca de las marcas comerciales
· El símbolo SD
y el símbolo SDHC
· Windows
/Windows Vista
son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de Microsoft
· Macintosh
, Mac OS
y Logic son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de Apple Inc.
· Steinberg y Cubase son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH Inc.
· Intel
y Pentium
son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de Intel Corporation.
· AMD Athlon
es una marca comercial o marca registrada de Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
· MACKIE Control es una marca comercial o marca registrada de LOUD Technologies.
· SONAR es una marca comercial o marca registrada de Cakewalk, Inc.
· Ableton Live es una marca comercial o marca registrada de Ableton AG.
· Digital Performer es una marca comercial o marca registrada de Mark of the Unicorn.
· El resto de marcas, nombres de productos y de empresas mencionados aquí son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.
· Todas las marcas comerciales y marcas registradas se utilizan solo con fines ilustrativos y no pretenden infringir las leyes
del copyright de sus respectivos propietarios.
Vista SP1
Duo a 1.83 GHz o
son marcas comerciales.
Guía de instalación de Cubase LE 4
Para más información sobre la instalación del
driver R16 y del Cubase LE 4, consulte la guía de
arranque del USB/Cubase LE 4.
Cubase LE 4
Startup Guide
Windows Vista / XP
This Cubase LE 4 Startup Guide explains how to install Cubase LE 4 on a computer, make connections and other settings for the R16.
To connect the R16 to a computer running Windows Vista
Start InstallShield Wizard
(or Windows XP) and to enable audio input/output, proceed
Click [Next] to start
as follows. The installation description uses Windows Vista
as an example.
Insert the supplied "Cubase LE 4" DVD-ROM into
the DVD drive of the computer.
When you insert the DVD-ROM, a screen asking what you want
to do appears. Select "Open folder to view files".
When the contents of the DVD-ROM are shown, open the
Driver-Plug In selection screen
Cubase LE 4 for Windows folder by double-clicking on it, and
If you use SONER,
then double-click the executable "Setup" ("Setup.exe") file to start
s e l e c t I n s t a l l a t i o n
the installation process.
Plug In for Control
If nothing happens when you insert the DVD-ROM, open the Start
menu and select "Computer" ("My Computer" in Windows XP). Then
double-click the "Cubase LE 4" DVD-ROM icon to display the contents
Ready to install the program
of the DVD-ROM.
Click [Install] to start
To use Cubase LE 4 continuously, it is necessary to have the User
Registration and the Software License Authentication. The Registration
and Authentication are available to be processed when Cubase LE 4 is
activated on a computer connected to the internet. Click "Register now"
which is shown when activating, enter all the items. If it is not recognized
as Registration, Cubase LE 4 can only be used for a limited period after
"PDF Manuals and Drivers" CD-ROM supplied with R16
If a warning dialogue "Install software" appears, click [Continue].
Drivers>Windows "Setup.exe"
If a warning dialogue "Windows security Driver Software Licensee
cannot be verified." appears, click [Install this driver software].
Download the latest "ZOOM R16 Audio Driver" from
ZOOM homepage (http://zoom.co.jp)
and install it on a computer.
*A message "ZOOM R16 Audio Driver (No Response)" may appear,
but it is not a problem. Wait until it responds.
ZOOM R16 Audio Driver software is required to enable use of
Cubase LE 4 for audio input and output with a computer. Refer
InstallShield Wizard was completed
to the read_me file included in the download package for
Click [Complete] to
instructions on how to install the driver correctly.
finish installation.
[How to install the driver]
Double-click Setup.exe file to activate the installer.
Set language selection
Choose language and
click [OK].
We recommend you upgrade the system software to the latest version on
the R16. An R16 operated on an old system may not be recognized
correctly. The latest version can also be downloaded from our homepage.
Set and connect the R16 to the computer
When the connection is completed on the R16, it is recognized
using a USB cable.
by the computer.
If this is the first time to connect the R16, wait until the message
How to set and connect the R16
"Your devices are ready to use" appears.
Start "Found New hardware Wizard"
Choose [No, not this
t i m e ] o f W i n d o w s
Update and click[Next].
Menu moves
Select of how to continue settings.
C h o o s e [ I n s t a l l t h e
Menu moves
software automatically]
and click [Next]to start
Connect USB cable to the R16
[DEVICE] flashes
USB indicator
If a warning dialogue "Install hardware" appears, click [Continue].
"Found New Hardware Wizard completed"
Connect USB cable
Click [Finish] to complete installation.
to computer
When the connection operation of the R16 is finished, it is
recognized by the computer.
When connecting for the first time please wait until the message
of "The device was able to be prepared" is displayed.
INTERFACE flashes when the connection is complete Connection setting completed
Bring up the "Sound" window from the Control Panel
and make the input device setting for the computer.
To bring up the "Sound" window, select "Control Panel" from the
[INPUT 1-8]Jack
Start menu and click "Hardware and Sound", then click "Sound".
Guitar, other instrument or
Audio system,
built-in stereo mic
headphones or other
playback equipment
Windows PC
Audio components,
amp built-in
DAW software
speakers etc
Cubase LE 4 etc
USB cable
In the "Sound" window, verify that "R16 Audio Interface" is listed
ZOOM R16 Audio Driver
under the Play and Record devices and that the device is
checked. (To switch between Play and Record, click the tabs at
the top of the window.)
Use a high-quality USB cable and keep the connection as short as
If the device is not checked, right-click on the icon for the device
possible. If USB bus power is supplied to the R16 via a USB cable
and click "Set as Default Device" so that a check mark appears.
which is more than 3 meters in length, the low voltage warning
Continued overleaf
indication may appear.


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