Close the throttle and activate both brakes simultaneously and when the vehicle has reduced speed, Pull
in the clutch lever all the way. To stop the motor, switch off the ignition and remove key.
Once the motor has stopped always close the petrol tap.
The Gear lever is located near the left hand engine case of the motor and is activated with the foot taking
it all the way down or up, letting it come back to its' original position before changing gear again. To
put the mortorbike into first gear, the pedal has to be pushed downwards, to put in the 2,3,4,5,6 gears
lift the lever up as far as it will go with the toe. Gear changing should be done carefully to ensure the
gear you want is selected before releasing the clutch.
The carburettor provides the correct petrol air mixture to the engine. It the settings are tampered with poor
performance and/or overheating may occur. If you have any problems please refer to your Rieju dealer.