ESAB Esp-1000 Plasmarc System Manual De Instrucciones página 4

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plaSMa cuttIng WIth gaS MIxturES contaInIng hYDrogEn (h) or MEthanE (ch4)
can rESult In an ExploSIon.
faIlurE to coMplY WIth thE InforMatIon lIStED BEloW can rESult In DEath, SEVErE
pErSonal InJurY or SErIouS EQuIpMEnt DaMagE.
hYDrogEn or MEthanE gaS MIxturES ShoulD nEVEr BE uSED for plaSMa cuttIng
cuttIng WIth coMBuStIBlE gaS MIxturES oVEr a WatEr taBlE can rESult In thE ac-
cuMulatIon of ExploSIVE gaS pocKEtS BEtWEEn thE cuttIng taBlE anD thE WorK
pIEcE. thESE pocKEtS WIll ExploDE WhEn IgnItED BY SparKS froM thE plaSMa arc.
to rEDucE, But not ElIMInatE, thE poSSIBIlItY of an ExploSIon thE folloWIng prE-
cautIonS ShoulD BE taKEn:
loWEr WatEr lEVEl In thE WatEr taBlE 4 to 6 InchES (100 to 150MM) BEloW thE
WorK pIEcE.
BEforE cuttIng, BE aWarE of poSSIBlE ExploSIVE gaS SourcES In thE WatEr ta-
BlE Such aS MoltEn MEtal rEactIon, SloW chEMIcal rEactIon anD SoME plaS-
Ma gaSES.
clEan Slag (ESpEcIallY fInE partIclES) froM BottoM of taBlE frEQuEntlY. rE-
fIll taBlE WIth clEan WatEr.
Do not lEaVE WorK pIEcE on taBlE oVErnIght.
If WatEr taBlE haS not BEEn uSED for SEVEral hourS, VIBratE or Jolt It to
BrEaK up gaS pocKEtS BEforE laYIng WorK pIEcE on thE taBlE.
If poSSIBlE, changE WatEr lEVEl BEtWEEn cutS to BrEaK up gaS pocKEtS.
MaIntaIn WatEr ph lEVEl nEar 7 (nEutral).
prograMMED part SpacIng ShoulD BE a MInIMuM of tWIcE thE KErf WIDth to
EnSurE MatErIal IS alWaYS unDEr thE KErf.
fanS ShoulD BE uSED to cIrculatE aIr BEtWEEn WorK pIEcE anD WatEr SurfacE.
a taBlE WatEr aEratIon SYStEM ShoulD alSo BE uSED.



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