6. GENERAL: This section allows to select the three great blocks of the DIGILINE interface.
By default, the software shows DSP when it is initialized.
- DSP shows the control interface from each output
- GPIs shows the GPI management. DIGILINE devices have a certain number of GPI (General Purpose Input)
that consist in contacts. Therefore, it is posible to assign a command, or a list of commands that will be
executed when the GPI state change.
See (3.3. GPI) section for further information
- SETUP: You can access to advanced device configuration with the next paragraphs:
Connection Setting: Show all device connection information (IP adresses, Subnet, MAC). The two Copy/Paste
buttons allows to associate a virtual device (loaded from library) with a physical device (loaded from network)
See ( Connecting virtual & physical devices bewtween them) section for further information
Password Lock: Allows to lock any device section against unwanted manipulations. Simply pick the section,
enter a Password and press Lock button.
Options: Allows to disable the frontal control against unwanted manipulations. The potentiometers values are
then stored and reloaded when the device restarts.
press Apply. It is posible to change Baudrate speed of the serial port of the MX device. It can also be disabled.
and Complete Response