Clock and Alarm Mode
The main console unit can be configured to display the time, calendar or UTC time. There are three
time alarms available on the console unit:
Single alarm: activated once at specified time
Weekday alarm: activated everyday from Monday to Friday at specified time
Pre-alarm: activated at specified time interval (30 min) ahead of weekday alarm, if channel 1
temperature falling to +2 ºC or below.
The snooze duration for the above alarms can also be programmed (0-15 min).
Accessing Clock and Alarm Mode
From the main console unit: Press UP or DOWN until the clock icon
display starts flashing.
Setting up the Time, Date and Language
1. In Clock and Alarm Mode, press and hold SET to enter clock and calendar setup.
2. The day of week should start flashing in the display.
Set Language:
Press UP or DOWN to select language for day of week: English, German, French, Italian,
Spanish or Dutch.
3. Select City Code:
Press UP or DOWN to select city code for your local area. Refer to P.63 for a list of available
Press SET to confirm your selection.
4. (If USR was chosen for city code) Set Degree for Latitude:
You will be asked to enter your latitude in degrees (º).
Press UP or DOWN to adjust value. Press and hold either button for fast advance.
Press SET to confirm your selection. Repeat above procedure to set minutes and seconds for
latitude, degrees for longitude, minutes for longitude and seconds for longitude.
5. (If USR was chosen for city code) Set Time Zone:
Press UP or DOWN to adjust value in resolution of 30 min. Press and hold either button for fast
advance. Press SET to confirm your selection.
6. (If USR was chosen for city code or city is in a DST zone) Set Daylight Saving Time Option:
Press UP or DOWN to turn DST option on or off. Press and hold either button for fast advance.
Press SET to confirm your selection.
7. Repeat the above instructions to set year, month, day, calendar display format (day/month or
month/day), time display format (12 hr / 24 hr), local hour and local minutes.
8. Upon completion the display will return to normal Clock and Alarm Mode.
Note: Press and hold SET anytime during the setup to return to normal Clock and Alarm Mode. All
settings made will be discarded.
beside the time/date