Determining bracelet length
eral links, you should remove the same number of links
from each half of the bracelet, if possible, to ensure that
the clasp can be worn more or less at the centre of the
wrist. We have included a short link in the clasp cover to
enable you to adjust the bracelet as accurately as pos-
sible to the size of your wrist. You can shorten your brace-
let by an intermediate amount by omitting this bracelet
link, and finer adjustment to the length of the bracelet can
be made in this way. Keep the surplus links and the sep-
arating tools in a safe place for use in any adjustment at
another time.
Place the watch with the bracelet
open around your wrist and estimate
the number of surplus bracelet links
that you can now remove from the
bracelet (as described above). If you
need to shorten the bracelet by sev-