Tabla de contenido


With Weld assigned to
an overlapping square
and circle, the shapes
are welded for cutting
Cut Line Type: There are five options in this menu:
Cut: choose this option for regular cutting. Because this is the default, you don't normally need to select
Pen: choose this option when using a pen, embosser, engraver, glue pen, rotary tool or other device
that doesn't require a blade offset.
Print+Cut Cut: in print and cut applications, choose this option for the layer that will be cut.
Print+Cut Print: in print and cut applications, choose this option for the layer that will be printed only. It
will not appear in the cut window.
Color layer alignment (Pro version only): in applications such as vinyl where several layers will be cut
from different colors and aligned, choose this option for the layer that has registration shapes that need
to be cut from every color along with that color's shapes. These registration shapes can then be used
to layer the colors perfectly. Refer to the last part of Section 10.06.2.
Tool: for cutters with more than one head, such as the KNK Force, choose if the layer should be executed
by the left side or by the right side.

10.02 Preview

To see what your cutter will cut or what your printer will print, click on the Preview icon
The following window will open. Note that settings applied on the Style Panel are reflected in the Preview
Any lines assigned as
Cut appear in red
Check this box for a
Print Preview: refer to
Section 10.03
Option to show the
printing boundaries:
refer to Section 10.03
The following example shows what would be seen in the Preview window compared to how it appears
on the Cutting Mat:
Red lines in the Preview
window show what will
actually cut.
on the Toolbar.
Any lines assigned as
Pen appear in blue
Check this box to show the
Stroke for that shape
Option to show registration
marks in the Preview
Option to show the nodes: must
have Show Cut Lines or Show
Draw Lines checked, as well.


Tabla de contenido

Tabla de contenido