FolloWing a Bearing
When you set a bearing, you indicate a line of travel to follow that deviates from North. Degrees are counted
clockwise, so a bearing of 90 degrees directs you to the East, while a bearing of 270 degrees directs you to the
When you set a bearing, the compass still points North, but an arrow is overlaid on the compass to indicate
the bearing you want to follow.
1. From the main menu, highlight CONFIGURATION, then press ENTER.
2. Highlight ACCESSORIES, then press ENTER.
3. Highlight SET COMPASS, then press ENTER.
4. Highlight FOLLOW BEARING, then press ENTER.
5. Highlight the numeric field, then press ENTER.
6. Press or to change the bearing, then press ENTER.
7 Highlight the BEAR field, then press ENTER.
8. Highlight YES, then press ENTER.
The compass displays with the bearing arrow on top of it. Follow the direction of the arrow to follow the
seTTIng The alarm
The Cycle Trainer has one alarm that will sound at the specified time at a frequency you choose.
The alarm can be set to sound at the specified time on a specific day of the week, on weekdays only, on
weekends only, or every day.
1. From the main menu, highlight CONFIGURATION, then press ENTER.
2. Highlight SET SYSTEM, them press ENTER.
3. Highlight ALARM, then press ENTER.
4. Highlight the FREQUENCY field, then press ENTER.
5. Press or to change the alarm frequency, then press ENTER.
6. Highlight the hours field, then press ENTER.
7. Press or to change time setting, then press ENTER.
8. Repeat step 7 for minutes and AM/PM field.
ConfIgurIng seTTIngs
The settings changes described in this section are not required, but you can use these settings to get the most
out of the Cycle Trainer.
ConfIgurIng hands-free feaTures
Enable Auto-Hold to automatically pause the timer when your speed drops below a specified threshold. Enable
Auto-Lap to automatically take a split at a specified time or distance.
1. From the ACTIVITY menu, highlight SETTING, then press ENTER.
2. Highlight AUTO HOLD, then press ENTER.
3. Press ENTER, then highlight WHEN STOPPED (to pause the timer when you are not moving) or CUSTOM
SPEED (to pause the timer when your speed gets too low) and press ENTER.
4. If you chose CUSTOM SPEED, highlight the PAUSE WHEN BELOW field, then press ENTER.
5. Press or to change numbers, then press ENTER.
1. From the ACTIVITY menu, highlight SETTING, then press ENTER.
2. Highlight LAP SETTING, then press ENTER.
3. Press ENTER, then highlight DISTANCE (to take a split after the specified distance) or BY TIME (to take a split
when the specified time has elapsed) and press ENTER.
4. Highlight the DISTANCE or TIME field, then press ENTER.
5. Press or to change numbers, then press ENTER.