geTTIng sTarTed
InsTallIng The CYCle TraIner
Use the two zip ties to attach the mounting bracket to your bike, and then slide the device into the mounting
Press back on the release tab to remove the device from the bracket.
TurnIng The CYCle TraIner on and off
for about 2 seconds to turn the device on or off.
seTTIng The TIme
The time is set by the GPS, but you choose the time format, time zone, and daylight saving on or off.
1. From the main menu, highlight CONFIGURATION, then press ENTER.
2. Highlight SET SYSTEM, then press ENTER.
3. Highlight TIME SETTINGS, then press ENTER.
4. Highlight the setting to change, then press ENTER.
5. Highlight a time format, time zone, or daylight saving setting, then press ENTER.
seTTIng dIsplaY unITs
Choose the system of measurement in which your user, ride, and navigation data will display.
You can display distance and weight units in ENGLISH, METRIC, or NAUTICAL measurements.
You can display map coordinates as DEFAULT (degrees and minutes), GOOGLE (degrees, minutes, and seconds),
or UTM (x- and y- values of the Universal Transverse Mercator system).
1. From the main menu, highlight CONFIGURATION, then press ENTER.
2. Highlight SET SYSTEM, then press ENTER.
3. Highlight DISPLAY, then press ENTER.
4. Highlight UNITS, then press ENTER.
5. Highlight the UNIT or COORDINATION field, then press ENTER.
6. Highlight the units to display, then press ENTER.
seTTIng up The user profIle
Configure your personal information to ensure accurate heart rate zone and calorie calculations.
Enter your name, gender, birth date, height, and weight.
1. From the main menu, highlight CONFIGURATION, then press ENTER.
2. Highlight USER PROFILE, then press ENTER.
3. Highlight the setting to change, then press ENTER.
4. Highlight a letter, number, gender, or month, then press ENTER.