How to tune the air pressure
The air pressure, which in the air tank is varying with the time, is kept at a steady value by a
pressure regulator, which also allows to fix the value of the air pressure.
If you press for few seconds the valve on the spray accessory, you can see that the pressure
indicated by the manometer reduces while you are spraying, while it comes back to the initial
value when you stop spraying.
Several tests show that the optimal pressure is 3 bar while spraying, which correspond to a
slightly higher pressure when not spraying.
If for any reason the regulation of the pressure in your machine should change, you can
reset it by simply rotating the pressure regulation knob, clockwise to increase the pressure
and counter clockwise to reduce the pressure. Proceed "cut-and-try" until you reach the
condition of 3bars while spraying foam. Pull the knob before rotating, and push it again to
NOTE: To regulate the pressure of air, start from the standard tuning for the quantity of air
and for the quantity of detergent. Then act then on the air pressure regulation knob as
indicated above.