Step 3: Setting the speed
The possible speed range depends on the contra angle, which has to be activated in the Configuration
Menu. The maximum speed within this speed range can be restricted to the required value.
Using the pedal, the speed can be varied from the minimum speed up to the maximum speed as set.
Setting the speed:
Press the "Speed" keys "▲" to increase or "▼" to decrease the maximum speed. When key is pressed
constantly the speeds will be shown in fast forward mode.
Step 4: Setting the torque
Once the speed has been selected, the torque can be set from the corresponding torque range.
Depending on the speed, the torque mode AL or AS is applied.
For information on AL and AS mode, see Chapter "7.5 Speed reduction AL (Automatic Limiter)" and
Chapter "7.6 Torque limit function: AS (Automatic Stopper)"
Press the "Torque" keys "▲" to increase or "▼" to decrease the maximum torque. By pressing the key
continuously the torques are changed in fast forward mode.
Step 5: Setting the pump supply quantity
Press the "Pump" keys "▲" to increase or "▼" to decrease the pump supply quantity. By pressing the key
continuously the values are fast forwarded.
Minimum and maximum of pump supply quantity as well as incremental steps can be adjusted in the
Configuration Menu (refer to «7.8 Configuration Menu, Parameter level 2, Pump»).
To activate or deactivate the pump, press both "Pump" keys at the same time,
"Pump ▲ + ▼", or push the foot switch "PUMP" shortly.
The build up of torque is displayed
as a bar graph. When maximum
torque is reached all elements of
the bar graph are full displayed.
MD 11 Operating Instructions, Art. No. 31665, V10/14
MD 11