Usual quick-assembly without mounting cable
Take inner chain, lift chain up, push it backwards and spread
evenly over the tire.
Drive approx. 1/4 of a wheel's turn onto the chain.
Further mounting like mounting with mounting cable, point 3, 4.
Mounting anti-skid chain with mounting cable
Spread out chain in front of or behind the tire and arrange
properly. Tension lever, tension spring and tension chain
outward! Put mounting cable at an angle across the top half
of the tire. Hook anti-skid chain into mounting hook.
Drive slowly one complete turn of the wheel onto the chain,
thereby pulling the chain onto the tire. Loosen anti-skid
chain by unhooking the rings and/or mounting hook.
Remove mounting cable.
Connect side chain on the inner side of the wheel, hook
closing hook into the link or ring - then repeat the procedure
on the outside of the wheel. Note: Check after connection:
chain strands must not be twisted.
Tighten tension chain on the outside of the wheel and insert
tension lever into the next link of the tension chain. Secure
tension lever with the ring. Hang loose chain end into the
side chain.
(P5, P6)
Note for dual chains: Mounting and demounting is carried
out in the same order as with Veriga KF single chains.
If it is difficult to hook in the closing hook when mount-
ing the dual chain, e.g. in the case of thick-studded tires, the
vehicle should be moved forward or backward approx. one
wheel's turn so that the chain mesh is properly arranged
before hooking in the central hook.