Type of Error
Error Build-up Pressure
Error Heat Soak Pressure
Error Joining Pressure
Cooling Stopped
Error Plate Temperature
Process Stopped
Using ViewWeld to View Welding Reports and Print Tags
The ViewWeld feature offers viewing an abstracted version of the
welding report recorded during the last welding process and print-
ing it as a label tag to be affixed to the joint on the optionally avail-
able tag printer. The ViewWeld abstract shows the report number,
the date and time of the welding and the welding parameters along
with an evaluation of the quality of the joint/welding operation (see
Display 33).
To call the ViewWeld abstract of a welding report, press the ñ key in
the start screen (see Display 3). To print a tag of this operation, press
the START/SET key in the ViewWeld screen.
After the ViewWeld abstract was accessed, it is possible to browse
through all abstracts in memory by pressing the ï and ð cursor
Downloading the Reports
USB A Interface Port
for connecting USB mass storage media (such as a memory
The interface port complies with the USB version 2.0 specification (i.e.,
maximum data rate of 480 megabits per second).
Before transferring data, it is highly recommended to switch
the welding unit off and on again. If this fails to happens,
there is a risk of data transfer failure, or reports in the weld-
ing unit may be corrupted.
When transferring welding reports to a USB stick, always
be sure to wait until the display shows the "Download fin-
ished" message before you disconnect the USB stick from
the product. If you disconnect it too early, the unit may ask
you whether you want to delete the reports in memory, al-
though they were not properly transferred. In this case, if
you delete the contents of the report memory, the welding
reports would be irrevocably lost and would not be available
elsewhere either.
Build-up pressure too high or too low and was not re-adjusted in
Heat-soaking pressure too high and was not re-adjusted in time.
Joining pressure too high or too low and was not re-adjusted in
Operator has stopped the cooling time by pressing the STOP/REST
Heating element temperature is out of tolerance; impossible to
re-adjust the temperature; maybe the ambient temperature was too
The welding process or a process step were stopped by an external
HÜRNER SPG 2.0 User's Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
27.05.14 08:25
630mm SDR26.0
No Error
Display 33
Version June 2018