Before connecting the aspirator to the piping of the centralized
system, ascertain that aspiration piping is clean as heavy debris
could damage the appliances.
Connect the PVC light grey aspiration tube (2b) (supplied
with the machine) to the 50 mm Ø tube-holder (2) ("aspirated
fl uid inlet").
The other end of the same tube must be connected to the
aspiration piping (3) coming from the surgeries (page 24).
The black heat resistant exhaust air pipe (4b), fi tted with a
metal spiral, must be connected to the 50 mm Ø tube-holder
(4) ("exhaust air outlet").
Connect the other end of the pipe to the antibacterial fi lter (5),
passing preferably through a silencer (5a) supplied with the
aspirator. The hot air coming from the antibacterial fi lter must
be conveyed outside.
Connect the 18 mm Ø tube-holder (6) to the liquid drain pipe.
In the version fi tted with Hydrocyclone the aspirator is draining
liquids by gravity, therefore these can never be drained towards
the top. The 10 mm Ø tube-holder (8) ("emergency drain") must
be connected to the liquid drain pipe.
The piping connecting the machine to the aspiration and drain-
ing system should be fl exible to damper the small vibrations
produced by the aspirator.
The aspiration piping should be run in the fl oor and at a point
near the aspirator it should rise about 30 cm to reach the tube-
holder (2) (fi g. A and B, page 91).
If Turbo-Smart is installed on a lower fl oor than the dental units,
the aspiration piping must not enter the centrifugal separator
Rather, place a few metres of piping horizontally on the same
level of the machine and then install it at the centrifugal separa-
tor inlet which is on a higher level (use a fl exible pipe) (fi g.B,
page 91). The aspirated fl uid is reaspirated by Turbo-Smart.
After the installation, connect the power cable
to the mains according to the
regulation EN 61008-1.
Finally connect the low voltage
users line: the clamps 19 and 20
of the circuit AC 80 (fi g. C "AC
80 wiring diagram", page 92) to
the users line (12) (det.12, page 24
and fi g. F , page 95) which is feeding all the
dental units of the same system with con-
nections in parallel.
Ascertain that the contact on the dental
unit is clean (free contact without