To display the momentary force or pressure dur-
ing the work cycle, select the appropriate display from
the menu (Ref. to § 4). When the operating button is
released before the motor stops automatically, the display
will show the peak force (Fp) or the peak pressure (Pp)
reached at that instant.
To complete the work, press the operating button again until the motor stops automatically; the dis-
play will show the maximum force or pressure reached followed by 'OK' to con rm correct operation.
The display 'ERROR', combined with a beep and the LEDs
flashing, indicates an incorrect crimping procedure caused by
t h e wo r k c yc l e b e i n g i n te r r u p te d b e f o r e t h e co n t r o l
parameters (force/pressure) of the tool are reached.
This error appears when the pressure release button has been operated
and the tool has already reached a pressure >100 bar. In this case, repeat the
compression by pressing and holding the operating button until the motor stops
2.4) Release of dies
By operating the pressure release button (5) (Ref. to Fig. 4), the ram will retract and open the dies.
2.5) LED Worklights
Whilst the tool is in operation, the compression area is illuminated by two high luminosity LED
Worklights that switch o automatically at the end of the cycle.
The LED Worklights can be disabled by following the procedure described in § 4.2.
2.6) Head rotation
For ease of operation, the tool head can rotate through 180°, allowing the operator
to work in the most comfortable position.
Do not attempt to rotate the head when the hydraulic circuit is pressurised.
2.7) Capacitive touch button for menu selection
This button is located under the display and allows selection of
various screens (Ref. to § 4); it only works when the display is on.
Wearing gloves or using other objects may inhibit the operation of the
button, therefore use a bare nger to apply only a light touch.
Do not apply pressure to or stab at the touch button, a light touch using a bare
nger is su cient. The command pulse is sent when the nger releases the button.
= 60.0 kN
= 58.3 kN
= 661 bar
= 485 bar
= 60.0 kN
= 661 bar
3 SEC.