Date & time
Activate this device
System update
About phone
Access Settings
1. From home, tap Apps
The settings menu opens.
2. Select categories and then select your settings options.
Settings are made and applied.
Tip: You can also access settings from the notification panel. Pull down the status bar and tap
Wi-Fi Settings Menu
The Wi-Fi settings menu lets you turn Wi-Fi on or off, set up and connect to available Wi-Fi
networks, and configure advanced Wi-Fi options.
Connections Settings
Automatically use the network-provided date and time or manually set these
values, as well as select time and date format options
Set accessibility options such as screen magnification, hearing aid
compatibility, etc.
Enable printing function
Activate a new phone or use additional self-service options such as checking
the status of an in-service phone.
Check and update your phone with the latest version
Access important phone information, search for and apply updates, and view
legal and safety information
> Settings