Device Settings
The following topics outline the device settings options available on your phone, including sounds,
display, gestures, applications, and more.
Sound Settings
The sound settings menu lets you control your phone's audio, from ringtones and alerts to tap tones
and notifications.
Sound Settings Overview
The sound settings menu allows you to configure the following options:
Sound Setting
Silent Mode
Vibration intensity
Device ringtone
Device vibration
Default notifications
Sound and vibration
Tap sounds
Screen lock sound
Haptic feedback
Auto haptic
Emergency tone
Device Settings
Set silent mode.
Set volume for ringtones, alarms, system features, etc.
Set vibration intensity.
Set your phone's default ringtone.
Set vibration options.
Set a tone for default phone notifications.
Enable vibration with ringtones.
Enable tones for phone dialer screen.
Set tone options for screen tapes.
Set a tone when locking/unlocking the screen.
Enable vibration when tapping the screen.
Use default haptic settings.
Set a tone for incoming emergency alerts.