3. Tap a label for the thread.
The thread is added to the selected label.
Archive Gmail Threads
Remove sent and received Gmail threads so they do not appear in the inbox. When replies arrive
for archived threads, they appear in the inbox again.
1. From home, tap Apps
The inbox opens.
2. Touch and hold a conversation thread to add a checkmark to it, and then tap Archive
The thread is now archived.
Mute Gmail Threads
If registered on a mailing list, there will be threads with always-continuing conversations. For long
threads that are not important, mute the threads and they will no longer appear in the inbox. When
mail arrives that includes user's address as a recipient or in Cc, mail will again appear in the inbox.
1. From home, tap Apps
The inbox opens.
2. Touch and hold a conversation thread to add a checkmark to it, and then tap Options
The thread is now hidden.
Making Connections
> Gmail
> Gmail