Communication error counters are displayed. If the condition causing the fault has been removed, by pressing
and holding theACK/ENTER
exiting the BUS-OFF.
- engine diagnostic codes, according to SAE J1939 or MTU specifications. In the case of the J1939 standard, when
a signal is present the SPN and FMI fault's codes, the number of occurrences (OC), a specific diagnostic code of
the family of engines (DTC), and an explanatory text are displayed. For MTU engines the SPN, FMI and OC are not
shown, but the DTC code and an alphanumeric description are always displayed.
Engine diagnostic codes are stored (even if disabled by the engine) until the CanBus yellow/red light warning
acknowledged by pressing the ACK/ENTER
Page S.03 displays generic status acquired by the plant through the card digital inputs.
Page S.04 displays serial communications status. In the case of operating errors, check the information in this page.
When using a GSM modem the phone company and radio signal are also shown.
Page S.05 (only available with CANBUS configuration enabled) displays CANBUS engine and PMCB communication.
Page S.06 displays board's specific information: date&time, internal temperature, serial no. (ID code), internal code and
firmware release.
Page S.07 (only available if the fuel management pump output is configured) displays fuel pump related information and
Page S.08 displays status of card acquired digital inputs.
Page S.09 displays status of card handled digital outputs.
Page S.10 displays card analog inputs acquired measurements.
Electrical measurements (M.xx)
You can scroll through the various pages using the LEFT
This lets you display the measurements taken by Gen-set on the electric lines.
Page M.01 displays the HT GC500 mains / Bus bars main electrical measurements (voltage, frequency and rotational
Page M.02 displays the Generator main electrical measurements (voltage, frequency and rotational direction).
Page M.03 displays the Generator/Use phase currents and auxiliary current.
Page M.04 displays total power, power factor, powers and phase power factor.
Page M.05 displays total reactive and apparent power, reactive and apparent phase powers.
Page M.06 displays partial energy and total energy meters (active and reactive energy).
Page M.07 (only available when the AT - amperometric transformer - configuration is set to Use) displays partial and total
energy meters (active and reactive energy).
User's Manual HT GC310/HT GC350/HT GC500
buttons for 5 seconds, in this page, you can force