- BY FUNCTION: Displays the status of the main events related to the digital inputs.
Page S.15 (DIGITAL OUTPUTS) shows the status of the Gen-set control module's digital outputs. The status of
the expansion module outputs is only shown if the DITEL expansion module/s is/are installed.
Pressing the ENTER
STATE, BY FUNCTION), showing the status of the digital inputs:
- LOGIC STATE: Output active or inactive on the basis of a logic configuration that inverts the electrical
- PHYSICAL STATE: Output active or inactive for the actual electrical level.
- BY FUNCTION: Displays the main states of the digital outputs.
Page S.16 (ANALOG INPUTS) displays the value of the Gen-set control module's analog inputs. The value of
the expansion modules' analog inputs is only displayed if the DITEMP(Ditherm/Digrin)/DIVIT expansion
module/s is/are installed.
Page S.17 (ANALOG OUTPUTS) displays the value of the Gen-set control module's analog outputs. The value
of the expansion modules' analog outputs is only displayed if the DANOUT expansion module/s is/are
Pressing the ENTER
showing the status of the analog inputs:
- LOGIC STATE: Displays the output value.
- BY FUNCTION: Displays the output value and the pre-assigned function.
Electrical measurements(M.xx)
You can scroll through the various pages using the LEFT
This mode displays all the information on the measurements taken by the Gen-set control module on the electric
Page M.01 (SYSTEM) displays a wiring diagram of the system. The states of the switches, the
NETWORK/BUS, the GENERATOR and the electrical values depend on the system configuration.
Furthermore, a window for controlling the main active power and the power factor is displayed, on the basis of
the type of system. (see par. 5.2).
Page M.02 (NETWORK) displays the electrical magnitudes of the NETWORK or BUS.
Page M.03 (GENERATOR) displays the electrical magnitudes of the GENERATOR.
Page M.04 (POWER VALUES) shows the total and phase power values, the active, reactive and apparent
power values, and the power factor.
Page M.05 (ENERGY COUNTERS) displays the partial and total energy counters of the GENERATOR.
Page M.06 (AUXILIARY MEASUREMENTS) (displayed only if the "AUXILIARY CURRENT" and/or "INVERSE
SEQUENCE CURRENT" protection is enabled.
Page M.07 (SYNCHRONISATION) is used during synchronization. Use the synchroscope displayed with the
lockable selector in MAN mode for manual synchronisation (only displayed if the internal synchronisation
system is configured) (see par. 5.1).
Page M.08 (PARALLEL) displays the parameters used to monitor the parallel function.
User's Manual HT DST4602
, button, scrolls through three different pages (LOGIC STATE, PHYSICAL
, button, scrolls through two different pages (LOGIC STATE, BY FUNCTION),