If the difference between the input and the measured distance is more than
5mm, the virtual needle may not be displayed properly and the procedure
can be a risk for the patient.
The Virtual Needle displayed may not be congruent with the real needle
position. Verify with Ultrasound or any other imaging modality useful to
assess the real needle position. Do not perform any invasive procedure
before the proper assessment of the needle tool.
When using the VirtuTRAX sensor the accuracy is sensitive to needle
bending. Do not use needle with Gauge more than 16GA and only use
rigid needle.
The accuracy of the system could be affected by tolerance existing in the
VirtuTRAX plastic holder, or a slight shift of the needle tip during the
calibration procedure. Before starting any procedure, always verify the
reliability of your VirtuTRAX device by means of the dedicated accuracy
verification procedure (See
Chapter 6, Settings
The accuracy of the system could be affected by an incorrect assembling
of the eTRAX needle or a damaged eTRAX device. Before starting
any procedure, always verify the reliability of your eTRAX device by
mean of the dedicated accuracy verification procedure (See
Chapter 6,
Use a sterilized sheath to cover the holder and the receiver before lock to
the needle. Clean it with a dedicated product before and after use.
The accuracy of the breathing sensor depends on the position where it is
attached to the patient.
Please verify the breathing in and breathing out positions after sensor
The omniTRAX™ needs to be placed on the patient skin before the CT
scan or MR and patient movements after its placement can lead to a
misalignment of the holder and consequently registration error.
When the breathing sensor is activated with the motion a constant time is
needed to discern the movement due to the breathing to the one for the real
patient movement. During this time (s) the accuracy could be degraded.
Do not base diagnosis on exported recorded clip or images only.
Aixplorer® Fusion/Navigation User's Guide