has been pressed the display shows, for example:
The limit „L:" will increase till crossing the actual measured grid frequency „A:". Reached this condi-
tion the inverter disconnects from grid and the display shows, for example:
The fi rst line shows the limits according the standard. The second line shows the actual measured
trip limit and the test status if positive (pass). (If the test is negative (failed), press „ESC" and the
display goes back to the main menu and the inverter is in error condition.).
the test is confi rmed and the autotest routine continue. If
is shown for 10 seconds. After this time, the result is confi rmed automatically.
If the test is confi rmed, the autotest routine is fi nished. The display shows, for example:
First line shows the actual autotest status. If all the single test are passed and confi rmed, the actual
autotest status will be passed. Pressing „ESC" the display goes back to the main menu or the inver-
ter returns automatically to normal operation after 10 seconds.
If the actual autotest status is failed, press „ESC" and the display goes back to the main menu and
the inverter is in error condition. The display shows " AUTOTEST FAILED". If the actual status is
failed it is possible to restart the autotest routine. If the autotest permanently fails please contact
the customer service.
If during the autotest is performed any grid or inverter error occurs, the autotest routine is aborted
and the display shows the actual failed autotest status directly after new calibration.
The inverter resets and performs a restart if the previous status was passed.
The autotest can be started only if the inverter is in normal operating conditions. It is not possible
to entry the autotest routine if the grid is not in the defi ned tolerances, if any internal inverter error
occurs or the solar plant do not respect the specifi cations.
A restart of the inverter will be done after the autotest, when the result of the current autotest is
different from the result from the autotest before.
While the autotest routine is ongoing, green LED is fl ashing, the red LED shows isolation measure-
ment status and the yellow LED shows the status of last autotest (yellow LED on: last autotest was
failed; yellow LED off: last autotest was ok).
L: 49.70 Hz
A: 49.99 Hz
L: 49.99 Hz 0.044 S
A: 49.99 Hz LF pass
Autotest Passed
Esc to continue
Operation and installation manual SOLIVIA 2.5 EU G3
is not pressed, the result