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Safety; Intended Use; Improper Use; Target Groups And Qualifications - ABB 83342-500 Manual Del Usuario

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 144
Operating Instructions
P os : 8.1 /#Neustr uktur#/Onli ne- D oku men t ation (+ K NX )/Ü b er schrif te n (- -> Fü r alle D ok um ente < - -)/ 1. E b e ne/S - T /S ic her he it @ 18\mod _13 0 26 127 91 7 90_1 5.docx @ 10 3 357 @ 22 122 @ 1


P os : 8.2 /#Neustr uktur#/Onli ne- D oku men t ation (+ K NX )/S icher heitsh i nweise und Hinweise (- -> Fü r alle Doku men t e < --) /War nhinwei s e/S icherheit - 2 3 0 V @ 18 \ mod _13026 068 1 67 50_ 15. d ocx @ 1 03 308 @ 1 @ 1
Electric voltage!
Risk of death and fire due to electrical voltage of 100-240 V.
Work on the 100-240V supply system may only be performed by authorised electricians!
Disconnect the mains power supply prior to installation and/or disassembly!
P os : 8.3 /#Neustr uktur#/Onli ne- D oku men t ation (+ K NX )/S icher heitsh i nweise und Hinweise (- -> Fü r alle Doku men t e < --) /Hi n weis e - Sac hsch ä den /A ch tu ng - B e sch ädigung d urc h äu ße re Einwir kungen @ 26 \ mo d_1 3 439 959 8 51 23_ 15 .d ocx @ 226 743 @ 2 2222 2 @ 1
Risk of damaging the device due to external factors!
Moisture and contamination can damage the device.
That is why the device must be protected against humidity, dirt and damage during transport,
storage and operation!
P os : 8.4. 1 /#Neust ruktur#/ Onlin e -Dok um e ntati on ( +K NX )/Üb ersch ri f te n ( --> F ü r all e D oku men te <-- )/2. Eben e/A - F/B esti m mu ngsgem äße r Gebr auch @ 25 \mod_1 340 6 91 838 85 8_ 15. doc x @ 22 0 036 @ 2222 22 @ 1

Intended use

P os : 8.4. 2 /#Neust ruktur#/ Onlin e -Dok um e ntati on ( +K NX )/Siche rheit/Mus ter d oku men t/ B esti mm u ngsg em ä ße r Ge b ra uch/B e s tim mun g sge mä ß er Geb ra uc h - 83341 @ 35 \ mod _13636 120 5 82 26_1 5. d ocx @ 2 88 438 @ 22 @ 1
The device must only be operated within the specified technical data!
The device is used for door communication and video transmission.
To set up the device requires an external device (laptop).
P os : 8.5. 1 /#Neust ruktur#/ Onlin e -Dok um e ntati on ( +K NX )/Üb ersch ri f te n ( --> F ü r all e Doku men te <-- )/2. Eben e/A - F/B esti m mu ngswid rige r Gebra uch @ 30 \mod_1 348 48 23 822 53 _ 15.d ocx @ 238 5 83 @ 1 11 1 1111 @ 1

Improper use

P os : 8.5. 2 /#Neust ruktur#/ Onlin e -Dok um e ntati on ( +K NX )/Siche rheit/Mus ter d oku men t/ B esti mm u ngswid r i ge r Ge br a uch/B estimm ung swi drig er G ebr auch - 83341 @ 35\ m od _13 63 61 209 29 1 1_1 c x @ 2 88 4 70 @ 1 2 2233 3 @ 1
The device is dangerious if used improperly. Any non-intended use is deemed improper use. The manufacturer is
not liable for damages resulting from such improper use. The associated risk is borne by the user/operator.
P os : 8.6. 1 /#Neust ruktur#/ Onlin e -Dok um e ntati on ( +K NX )/Üb ersch ri f te n ( --> F ü r all e Doku men te <-- )/2. Eben e/U - Z/ Zielg ru pp en un d Qualifikation en @ 30\ mod_13 484 7 83 392 32 _1 5.d ocx @ 238 3 35 @ 22 3 @ 1

Target groups and qualifications

P os : 8.6. 2 /#Neust ruktur#/ Onlin e -Dok um e ntati on ( +K NX )/Siche rheit (- -> Fü r alle D okument e <--) /Ziel gruppe n und Qu alifik ati onen /Z iel gru ppen un d A u lifikati onen @ 30\mod_ 134847 812 1 44 8_15 .d ocx @ 2 3 83 22 @ 321 111 3 33 1 @ 1
Installation, commissioning and maintenance of the product must only be carried out by trained and properly
qualified electrical installers. The electrical installers must have read and understood the manual and follow the
instructions provided. The operator must adhere to the valid national regulations in his country governing the
installation, functional test, repair and maintenance of electrical products.
P os : 8.7. 1 /#Neust ruktur#/ Onlin e -Dok um e ntati on ( +K NX )/Üb ersch ri f te n ( --> F ü r all e Doku men te <-- )/2. Eben e/G - L/Ha ftung u nd Gewäh rleis tu ng @ 3 0\ mod _1 3 484 7852522 8_1 5 .d ocx @ 238 363 @ 33 111113 33 @ 1

Liability and warranty

P os : 8.7. 2 /#Neust ruktur#/ Onlin e -Dok um e ntati on ( +K NX )/Siche rheit (- -> Fü r alle D okument e <--) /Haft un g und Ge wä hrleistung /Haftung und Gewä hrle ist ung - KNX ... @ 30 \mo d_ 1 348 478419 853_15. docx @ 23 8349 @ 2 222233 111 3 23 @ 1
Improper use, non-observance of this manual, the use of inadequately qualified personnel, as well as
unauthorized modification excludes the liability of the manufacturer for the damages caused. It voids the warranty
of the manufacturer.
P os : 9 /#N eu st rukt ur#/Online -Dok ume nta ti on ( +KNX )/S te u er mod ule - Onlin e -Dok um e nta tion (- - > Für all e Dok umente <- -)/++ +++ ++++ +++ Seiten um b ruc h + +++++ ++ ++++ @ 9\mod_ 126889 866 8 09 3_0. do cx @ 52 1 49 @ 31113 @ 1
Operating Instructions |V1.0
— 6 —

