partment closing panel (10), gently
pushing it outwards following the di-
rection of the arrow (Fig. 3).
Insert the lithium-ion battery (13), re-
specting the proper insertion polarity
as indicated in the battery compart-
compartment closing panel (13), in-
serting the hooks in their battery com-
partment housing and gently pushing
in the opposite direction to the one
If the duration of the rechargeable
sively, this means that it has run out
and therefore must be replaced (this
is to be considered normal because
rechargeable batteries run out over
tery (13) and replace with another
rechargeable 3.7V 1800 mAh battery
that is identical to the one supplied
with the product (code 20256600100
to be requested directly from Artsana
S.p.A.) taking care to place them with
the correct insertion polarity indicated
on the battery compartment.
system based on digital technology.
tres without obstacles*.
around 150 metres in an open space
without obstacles (this range could be
reduced considerably indoors accord-
ing to particular environmental situ-
ations: the layout of walls and furni-
ture, the presence of metal structures,
concrete walls, when rooms are locat-
ed on different floors or because bat-
teries are not fully charged etc.).
Baby Unit
/6.5 V
mains adapter
Parent unit
/6.5 V
mains adapter
240 V ~ 50/60 Hz /6.5V
mA switching mains adapter
Mains adapter
, 550 mA switching
, 550 mA switching
, 550