Lancing Device Care, Cleaning and Disinfecting
Cleaning removes blood and soil from the lancing device.
Disinfecting removes most, but not all possible infectious agents (bacteria or virus) from the lancing
device, including blood-borne pathogens.
• Lancing device should be cleaned and disinfected at least once a week.
• Remove lancet from lancing device before cleaning.
• Cleaning step #2 must occur before disinfecting steps #3 and #4.
1. Wash hands thoroughly
with soap and water.
2. Using ONLY Super Sani-Cloth Wipes (EPA* reg. no.
9480-4), thoroughly wipe the entire outside surface
of the lancing device. Discard the used wipe.
3. Remove another fresh Super
4. Ensure the lancing device
Sani-Cloth wipe and thoroughly
wipe the entire outside surface
of the lancing device and end
cap by wiping the surface 3
times vertically and 3 times
5. Wash hands
surface stays wet for 2
thoroughly again
minutes and is allowed to
after handling the
air dry for an additional 1
lancing device.
minute. Discard the used