baltur BGN 40 DSPGN-ME Manual De Instrucciones página 32

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The burner does not need particular maintenance, it will be otherwise better to check periodically that the gas filter
is clean and the ionisation electrode efficient. The cleaning of the combustion head may result necessary.
For this reason it's necessary to disassemble the head's components.
The reassemble operation must be done carefully so as to avoid the electrode's earthing or in short circuit with
following burner's lock. It must be verified that the ignition electrode's sparkle happens only between the same
and the drilled plate disc. To verify the ionisation stream, connect a micro-ammeter with adequate scale
"in sequence" to the ionisation circuit. The high insulation cable coming out from the electrode must be connected
in negative ( - indication) of the micro-ammeter.
The minimum value of secure the control box working is reported on the specific electric diagram.
When the burner is operating at maximum output, check that the quantity of gas delivered is necessary for the
boiler's needs. The low calorific value for methane gas is about 8550 kcal/m
To find out the low calorific values of other types of gas, contact the Gas Distributing Company. Delivery per hour
should be taken at the meter. When checking delivery make sure that gas is not being consumed by other users.
If the gas delivery pressure at the meter is not above 400 mm.w.c., take into consideration the value indicated by
the meter without correcting it.
For a first indication, turn on the burner and when it arrives at nominal delivery, measure the gas output in one
minute exactly (the difference between the two readings should be one minute exactly from one to the other.
Multiply this value by 60 in order to obtain the output for 60 minutes (one hour).
The output measured is considered the actual value if the meter reads a pressure below 400 mm.w.c.
If the pressure is more than 400 mm.w.c., the value read must be multiplied by a correction coefficient, as previously
described. Subsequently, multiply the delivery per hour (m
delivered in kcal/h; this should correspond or be very near to that requested for the boiler (low calorific value for
methane gas = 8550 kcal/m
Do not allow the burner to operate for a long time (only a few minutes) if the output exceeds the maximum allowed
for the boiler, to avoid possible damage to it; it would be timely to stop the burner immediately after having taken
the two meter readings.
Correcting the value indicated by the meter If the meter measures the gas delivery at a pressure above 400
mm.w.c., it is necessary to multiply the value by a correction coefficient. As an indication, the correction coefficient
values to be adopted in function with the gas pressure existing at the meter, can be determined in the following
way. Add to number 1 (one) the number which expresses the gas pressure value in bar, existing at the meter.
Example n°1
Gas pressure at the meter = 2 bar, the multiplication coefficient is 1 + 2 = 3.
Therefore, if the meter reads a delivery of 100 m
100 m
/h x 3 = 300 m
Example n°2
Gas pressure at the meter = 1,2 bar, the multiplication coefficient is 1 + 1,2 = 2,2.
Therefore, if the meter reads a delivery of 100 m
100 m
/h x 2,2 = 220 m
Example n° 3
Gas pressure at the meter = 0,3 bar, (3000 mm.w.c.), the multiplication coefficient is 1 + 0,3 = 1,3.
Therefore, if the meter reads a delivery of 100 m
Example n°4
Gas pressure at the meter = 0,3 bar, (600 mm.w.c.), the multiplication coefficient is 1 + 0,06 = 1,06.
Therefore, if the meter reads a delivery of 100 m
100 m
/h x 1,06 = 106 m
/h, multiply it by 1,3 to obtain the actual output which is 130 m
/h) by the gas calorific value to obtain the potentiality
/h, multiply it by 3 to obtain the actual output which is
/h, multiply it by 2,2 to obtain the actual output which is
/h, multiply it by 1,06 to obtain the actual output which is


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