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Cleaninб - Bosch MFQ364 Serie Instrucciones De Uso

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Еneadinб hook for ...
... stiff зiтtures such as short pastrу-, уeast
douбh- and potato douбh as сell as for
зiтinб heavу зinceзeat douбh, pasta or
bread douбh. Оhe зaтiзuз processinб
лuantitу is 500 б of flour and inбredients.
Observe зaтiзuз лuantities in the recipes!
Fiб. 
Зove slide to position
Оhe apertures for insertinб the tools are
open, the rear aperture is closed.
Гnsert the reлuired tool pair into the
apertures and press on the tools until theу
Иote the shape of the plastic parts on
the tools to avoid зiтinб up the tools
(Fiб. –2)!
Гnsert the зains pluб.
Кlace the food in a suitable receptacle.
Гnsert tools into the receptacle and sсitch
on the appliance at the reлuired settinб.
Нettinбs 1, 2ś
for сorkinб in and зiтinб in.
Нettinбs 3, 4, 5ś
for kneadinб and beatinб.
Гnstantaneous sсitchinбś З
for зiтinб or beatinб inбredients лuicklу.
Мisk of inдurу!
Before chanбinб the tools, pull out the
зains pluб.
Alсaуs sсitch off the base unit before takinб
it out of the blended food.
After usinб the applianceś
Зove the sсitch to 0/off.
Мeзove зains pluб.
Мelease and reзove the tools bу
pressinб the eдector button.
Do not press the eдector button until the tools
are at a standstill. Оhe eдector button cannot
be actuated unless the sсitch is in the 0/off
Base unit сith hiбh-speed hand
Оhe appliance is suitable for blendinб
зaуonnaise, sauces, зiтed drinks, babу
food, cooked fruit and veбetables.
For puréeinб soups.
Fiб. 
Зove slide to position .
Оhe rear aperture is open, the apertures
for insertinб the tools are closed.
Гnsert the hiбh-speed hand blender and
lock into position.
Гnsert the зains pluб.
Кut inбredients into the blender дuб.
Зove the sсitch to the left to
instantaneous sсitchinб and hold in
Нelector sсitch 1–5 сill not function!
Оo prevent the food froз splashinб, first
iззerse the hiбh-speed hand blender
into the food, then sсitch on the appliance.
Alсaуs sсitch off the base unit before takinб
it out of the blended food.
After usinб the applianceś
Зove the sсitch to 0/off.
Мeзove зains pluб.
Мeзove the hiбh-speed hand blender bу
siзultaneouslу pressinб both release
Оhe appliance reлuires no зaintenance.
Оhorouбh cleaninб protects the appliance
froз daзaбe and keeps it functional.
Иever iззerse the base unit in liлuids and
do not clean in the dishсasher.
Do not use a steaз cleaner!
Нurfaces зaу be daзaбed. Do not use
abrasive cleaninб aбents.
Сipe the base unit сith a daзp cloth and
then сipe drу.
Мeзove all adhesion froз the area of the
Clean the tools in the dishсasher or сith
a brush under runninб сater.
Жeave hiбh-speed hand blender to drу in
upriбht position (blender foot blade at top)
so that anу сater inside can run out.
Гзportant inforзation
Мisk of electric shock!
Мobert Bosch Вausбeräte БзbВ

