fUnCionAMiEnto DEl ContRol REMoto
slEEP sEttingConfigURACiÓn DE lA DEsConEXiÓn AUtoMÁtiCA
when activated, the sleep mode increases the set temperature by 2º F (1º C) after 2 hours and
another 2º F (1º C) after 2 more hours. The fan is set at Low and cannot be adjusted. The Sleep
Setting can be cancelled by pressing the Sleep button on the remote control or any of the Mode
buttons (Cool, Fan or Dry) on the remote control The unit can be turned off using the Power
button on the air conditioner or the remote to turn the unit off.
Con este botón puede cambiarse la forma de mostrar los grados de Fahrenheit a Celsius.
PÁginA 13