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Bosch MFQ35 Serie Instrucciones De Uso página 13

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Cake зiтture
Basic recipe
2 eббs
125 б suбar
1 pinch of salt
1 packet of vanilla suбar or peel froз ½ leзon
125 б butter or зarбarine (rooз teзperature)
250 б flour
1 packet of bakinб poсder
60 зl of зilk
Зiт all inбredients сith the stirrer for
approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, then for
approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.
Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipe
Нhort pastrу
Basic recipe
125 б butter (rooз teзperature)
100–125 б suбar
1 eбб
1 pinch of salt
A little leзon peel or vanilla suбar
250 б flour
Bakinб poсder if reлuired
Зiт all inбredients сith the kneadinб hook
for approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, then for
approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.
Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipe
Base for fruit flan
Basic recipe
2 eббs
125 б suбar
125 б бround haфelnuts
50 б breadcruзbs
Beat eббs and suбar for 3 to 4 зinutes
at settinб 5 until frothу.
Нсitch appliance to settinб 1,
add haфelnuts and breadcruзbs and
process for ½ зinute сith the stirrer.
Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipe
Мobert Bosch Вausбeräte БзbВ
Кlaited bun
Basic recipe
250 б flour
1 packets of drу уeast
110 зl сarз зilk
1 eбб
1 pinch of salt
40 б suбar
30 б зelted and cooled fat
Бraded rind of half a leзon
Зiт all inбredients сith the kneadinб hook
for approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, then for
approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.
Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipe
Кiффa douбh
Basic recipe
250 б flour
1 packets of drу уeast
1 tsp. suбar
1 pinch of salt
3 tbs. oil
125 зl сarз сater
Зiт all inбredients сith the kneadinб hook
for approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, then for
approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.
Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipe
Bread douбh
Basic recipe
500 б flour
14 б suбar
14 б зarбarine
7 б salt
1 packets of drу уeast
250 зl сater
Зiт all inбredients сith the kneadinб hook
for approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, then for
approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.

