Parking system layout scheme and technical notes
The system and its software are able to manage up to 10,000 parking places, with a maximum of 2,500 registered users and 7,500
unregistered users.
When designing a parking system certain construction factors must be taken into account, in order to achieve maximum usability
and safety during use.
For example, ensuring there is enough space for cars to safely manoeuvre into and out of parking spaces. When entering the car
park, there must be enough room for the driver to safely collect a token or check into the system as a registered user. A distance of
at least 2.5 m between the PSE3000 and the barrier is recommended.
In addition, the pedestrian transit lanes must be clearly marked by both horizontal and vertical signs. This is to prevent accidents
and make pedestrian access quick and orderly, which in turn makes it easier for vehicles to access the car park.
In any event, it is necessary to evaluate the design of the system (gradients, areas of poor visibility, moving parts, etc.) and take
measures to prevent collisions and hazardous manoeuvres, as well as dangerous situations for people in the car park. If necessary,
install appropriate safety measures (zebra crossings, signs, mirrors, photocells, sensors, etc.) aimed at eliminating hazards.
Upstream of the system, install a suitable omnipolar power supply cut-off device (magnetothermic switch + differential
switch) with the following minimum specifi cations:
• magnetothermic switch with a maximum cut-off current of 6A (230 V) or 10 A (120 V)
• differential switch with 30 mA trip sensitivity.
Use 4 mm² cables or greater when connecting single devices to the earthing pole on the site.
Traffi c light
Hardware and connections