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Broan SmartSense SMSK102 Manual De Instrucciones
Broan SmartSense SMSK102 Manual De Instrucciones

Broan SmartSense SMSK102 Manual De Instrucciones


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Broan smartsense
r e a d and s aVe the se ins truc tio n s
to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to per-
sons, oBserVe the following:
1. Use this unit only in the manner intended by the manufacturer.
If you have questions, contact the manufacturer at the address or
telephone number listed in the warranty.
2. Before servicing or cleaning unit, switch power off at service panel
and lock the service disconnecting means to prevent power from
being switched on accidentally. When the service disconnecting
means cannot be locked, securely fasten a prominent warning de-
vice, such as a tag, to the service panel.
3. Installation work and electrical wiring must be done by a qualified
person(s) in accordance with all applicable codes and standards,
including fire-rated construction codes and standards.
phase coupler installation
220V, 15A
1. At the service entrance, shut off all power to the breaker box. In
some homes, this will be the main breaker in the circuit Breaker
panel. If there isn't a main power shut OFF (master switch) or you
can't find it do not attempt the work. Call a licensed electrician.
2. Remove the circuit breaker panel cover.
3. Use a circuit tester or AC voltmeter to be sure the circuits are OFF.
Check to make sure that there is no voltage from the screw termi-
nals of several circuit breakers to the ground or neutral bus bar.
4. The phase coupler will need to be wired directly to two circuit
breakers. It is a violation of the electrical code to use an existing
breaker that already has a wire connected to it. Install a new 220V,
15a, douBle-pole circuit Breaker. These breakers have a bar
between the paddles so that if one breaker detects any overloaded
condition, both will trip.
TIP: If you don't have any space in your panel for new circuit
breakers, use a quad-pole breaker. You will need to remove two ex-
isting breakers that are adjoining each other. The quad breaker will
need to have two of the poles rated for the amperage as the ones
removed. For example, if you removed two 20-amp breakers, you
would need a 20/15/15/20 quad breaker. The two 15-amp poles
intelligent Ventilation system
4. Sufficient air is needed for proper combustion and exhausting of
gases through the flue (chimney) of fuel burning equipment to
prevent backdrafting. Follow the heating equipment manufactur-
er's guideline and safety standards such as those published by the
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and the American
Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE), and the local code authorities.
5. When cutting or drilling into wall or ceiling, do not damage electri-
cal wiring and other hidden utilities.
6. This unit must be grounded.
will be for the new phase coupler while the two 20-amp
poles will be for the circuits that were connected to the
old breakers. A home improvement or electrical supply
store should have a good assortment of these.
5. Install a single-gang electrical box for the phase cou-
pler near the breaker box. Use either a metal or plastic
outlet box that complies with local electrical ordinanc-
6. Run electrical cable (minimum 75
the circuit breaker panel and the outlet box for the
phase coupler. The cable should be secured with a
clamp or wire nail to the wall stud within a few inches
of the mounting box. Use 14/3 cable, which has three
conductors plus a ground wire.
7. Use wire nuts to connect BlACk to BlACk, REd to
REd, gROUNd (bare wire) to gROUNd (bare wire).
The WHITE wire is not used. Cap-off both ends of the
WHITE wire with a wire nut.
8. At the circuit breaker box, connect the ground wire to the ground
Bus Bar. Some panels do not have a separate ground bus bar so
the ground wire must be connected to the neutral bus bar. The
ground wire must be connected for safety purposes.
9. Connect the BlACk wire to one of the 15-Amp circuit breakers.
10. Connect the REd wire to the other 15-Amp breaker.
11. Check to be sure that all the wires are securely fastened, no
copper is exposed (except for the ground wire) and all screws
are tight. You can confirm that the phase coupler is wired to the
correct breakers if you can read 220 to 240 volts AC between
the two breakers when the power is turned on. If there is no
voltage between the two breakers, check to be sure that both of
the breakers and the master breaker are "ON". If there is still no
voltage between the two breakers, then they are probably on the
same leg, and you will have to select another breaker for one of
the wires.
12. Replace the circuit breaker panel cover.
13. Restore power to the main breaker.
models smsk102 • smsk103
C rated) between



Resumen de contenidos para Broan SmartSense SMSK102

  • Página 1 • smsk103 Broan smartsense intelligent Ventilation system Page  ® r e a d and s aVe the se ins truc tio n s warning 4. Sufficient air is needed for proper combustion and exhausting of to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to per-...
  • Página 2: Control Operation

    When the system is running the fan automatically, the lEd will be Controls are linked together so that automated commands for the off with a quick blink each second. The control also uses this mode Broan SmartSense network are sent between Master controls and ® to indicate when it is in the Program Mode. Slave controls. Slave controls will also communicate to the Master when the homes occupants manually operate fans. The time that the...
  • Página 3 5. When you have finished setting the System level, press and re- lease SET button twice at the Master control to exit Program Mode. taBle B Master control lEd will turn off after exiting Program Mode. System Clicks Push to level turn ON how to set Vacation mode Vacation Mode enables the home’s occupants to temporarily disable the Broan SmartSense program. When in the Vacation Mode, the ® Master control will cease sending signals to linked controls and auto- matically controlling its own connected fan load. ® mart ense ® Vacation mode 1. Enter Program Mode at the Master control (reference page 2 for help entering Program Mode).
  • Página 4 BROAN-NutONe ONe YeAR LIMIteD WARRANtY Broan-NuTone warrants to the original consumer purchaser of its products that such products will be free from defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one year from the date of original purchase. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
  • Página 5 • smsk103 sistema de ventilación inteligente Broan smartsense Página  ® l e a y c onser Ve estas i ns tr uccione s adVertencia específicos de protección contra incendios. para reducir el riesgo de incendio, descargas elÉctricas o lesiones personales, oBserVe las siguientes precauciones: 4. Se necesita suficiente aire para que se lleve a cabo una combustión y...
  • Página 6: Instalación Del Control

    • Especifique la instalación de cajas de empalme profundas en todas las partes BLANCO donde se utilizarán controles de comunicación. Si bien los controles SmartSense ® NEGRO de Broan cabrán en el espacio disponible en todas las cajas eléctricas norteamericanas, los modelos profundos están diseñados con un espacio de TIERRA Verde trabajo adicional que facilita la instalación. Es posible que las cajas profundas sean un poco más costosas que las de profundidad normal. Procure conseguir...
  • Página 7: Funcionamiento Del Led

    < 1500 residencia determinados por los ajustes del nivel del sistema. 1501 - 3000 cÓmo formar una red 3001 - 4500 los controles están conectados para poder enviar comandos automatizados 4501 - 6000 para la red SmartSense de Broan entre los controles maestros y los controles ® esclavos. los controles esclavos se comunicarán también con el maestro cuando 6001 - 7500 los ocupantes de la residencia manejen manualmente los ventiladores. El tiempo > 7500 de manejo manual de los ventiladores se acredita a los requisitos de ventilación de la residencia, determinados por los ajustes del nivel del sistema. taBla B mode de programa En el control maestro (en el baño principal), presione suavemente el botón...
  • Página 8 Esta garantía reemplaza todas las garantías anteriores. Para calificar en el servicio de garantía, usted debe (a) notificar a Broan-NuTone al domicilio o al teléfono abajo, (b) dar el número del modelo y la identificación de la pieza, y (c) describir la naturaleza de cualquier defecto en el producto o pieza.

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