Prior to each use, inspect the 019-11000 for possible deficiencies including, but not limited to,
corrosion, deformation, pits, burrs, rough surfaces, sharp edges, cracking, rust, paint buildup,
excessive heating, alteration, and missing or illegible labels. User MUST IMMEDIATELY remove the
019-11000 from service is defects or damage are found, or if exposed to forces of fall arrest.
Inspect work area to ensure that location is free of any damage including, but not limited to,
debris, cracking, rot, decay, structural deterioration, rust, and free from any hazardous materials.
User must confirm that work area to be utilized will support the application specific loads as
referenced within this instruction manual. Work area MUST be stable.
At least annually, a Competent Person other than the user must inspect the 019-11000.
Competent Person inspections must be recorded in the inspection table included in this manual as
well as the inspection table labels on each product individually. The Competent Person must place
his/her initials in the block which corresponds with the month and year that the inspection is
performed. All individual labels on equipment will be initialed in the same manner.
While conducting inspections, the Competent Person must consider all applications and hazards that
the equipment may have been subjected to while in use.
Prior to each use, the user must inspect and verify that each individual component of the
019-11000 is safe for use.
019-11000 Aluminum Tripod inspection:
1. Inspect for bent or deformed tripod legs.
2. Inspect that all locking pins for tripod legs are present and functional.
3. Inspect triopod pulley assembly for any missing for damaged components including,
pulleys, cotter pins, and pulley housings.
4. Ensure that tripod feet are clear of any debris and undamaged so that they can pivot
5. Inspect tripod chain for any kinks, broken links, corrosion, chemical exposure or any other
6. Inspect entire unit for any bends, cracks, corrosion, chemical exposure, or any factor that
may effect integrity of the tripod unit.
V1.0 2020 Copyright SafeWaze
User Manual
Page 10