Velleman IREXT Manual Del Usuario página 28

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Ve lle m a n® Se r vice a nd Qua lit y
W a r r a nt y
Vellem an® has over 35 year s of
experience in t he elect ronics world and
dist r ibut es it s pr oduct s in m ore t han 85
count r ies.
All our pr oduct s fulfil str ict qualit y
r equirem ent s and legal st ipulat ions in t he
EU. I n or der t o ensur e t he qualit y, our
product s regularly go t hrough an ext ra
qualit y check, bot h by an int er nal qualit y
depar t m ent and by specialized ext er nal
organisat ions. I f, all precaut ionar y
m easur es not wit hst anding, problem s
should occur, please m ake appeal t o our
warr ant y ( see guar ant ee condit ions) .
Ge n e r a l W a r r a n t y Con dit ion s
Con ce r n in g Consum e r Pr odu ct s ( for
EU) :
• All consum er pr oduct s ar e subj ect t o a
24- m ont h w arrant y on pr oduct ion flaws
and defect ive m at er ial as from t he or iginal
dat e of purchase.
• Vellem an® can decide t o replace an
art icle wit h an equivalent ar t icle, or t o
r efund t he ret ail value t ot ally or par t ially
when t he com plaint is valid and a free
r epair or replacem ent of t he ar t icle is
im possible, or if t he expenses ar e out of
proport ion.
You will be deliver ed a replacing ar t icle or
a refund at t he value of 100% of t he
purchase pr ice in case of a flaw occurr ed
in t he first year aft er t he dat e of pur chase
and delivery, or a r eplacing art icle at 50%
of t he pur chase pr ice or a r efund at t he
value of 50% of t he ret ail value in case of
a flaw occurr ed in t he second year aft er
t he dat e of pur chase and deliver y.
• N ot cov e r e d by w a r ra nt y:
- all direct or indirect dam age caused aft er
deliver y t o t he ar t icle ( e.g. by oxidat ion,
shocks, falls, dust , dir t , hum idit y...) , and
by t he ar t icle, as well as it s cont ent s ( e.g.
dat a loss) , com pensat ion for loss of
profit s;
- frequent ly r eplaced consum able goods,
part s or accessor ies such as bat t eries,
lam ps, r ubber par t s, dr ive belt s...
( unlim it ed list ) ;
- flaws result ing fr om fir e, water dam age,
light ning, accident , nat ur al disast er , et c.
- flaws caused deliber at ely, negligent ly or
r esult ing from im proper handling,
negligent m aint enance, abusive use or use
cont r ary t o t he m anufact urer 's
inst ruct ions;
- dam age caused by a com m er cial,
professional or collect ive use of t he ar t icle
( t he warrant y validit y will be reduced t o
six ( 6) m ont hs when t he ar t icle is used
professionally) ;
- dam age result ing from an inappropriat e
packing and shipping of t he art icle;
- all dam age caused by m odificat ion,
repair or alt erat ion perform ed by a t hird
par t y wit hout wr it t en per m ission by
Vellem an® .
• Art icles t o be repaired m ust be deliver ed
t o your Vellem an® dealer, solidly packed
( pr efer ably in t he or iginal packaging) , and
be com plet ed wit h t he or iginal receipt of
pur chase and a clear flaw descr ipt ion.
• Hint : I n order t o save on cost and t im e,
please r er ead t he m anual and check if t he
flaw is caused by obvious causes prior t o
pr esent ing t he ar t icle for r epair . Not e t hat
r et ur ning a non- defect ive ar t icle can also
involve handling cost s.
• Repair s occurring aft er war rant y
expirat ion are subj ect t o shipping cost s.
• The above condit ions ar e wit hout
prej udice to all com m ercial warrant ies.
Th e a bov e en um era t ion is su bj ect t o
m odifica t ion a ccor din g t o t h e a r t icle
( se e a r t icle 's m a n ua l) .


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